Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai BCI Q12011
P. 3

President’s Message

                   hen I was a child, I used to try on my dad’s police uni-
                   form. I’d wear his blue saucer hat and thick belt with all
                   kind of gadgets, and stick my feet in his black leather
                   shoes. They were obviously too big and I had to slide
        Wthem along  the floor to walk.  Well  years  later,  I seem
        to have another chance to fill big shoes; those left by. I.C. Su, re-
        tiring president of BCI. At the October board meeting in Tainan,
        China, I.C. retired after two terms, and I took over as president. I
        would personally like to thank I. C. and his wife, Helen, for all their
        efforts to promote BCI around the globe. I. C., as the past president,
        will remain active in BCI and luckily for BCI, Helen was elected as a
        BCI board member, so I will have plenty of help keeping the BCI shoes   Rob Kempinski, President, Bonsai Clubs International
                                                               and improve what it offers its membership. The board is actively working
        The last board meeting saw many other changes. Also retiring was   to provide new and improved products for its members. The magazine
        Willi Benz, 2nd Vice President and a multiple-term BCI board mem-  will continue its excellence, but we hope to expand its multinational
        ber. Two other board members decided to retire, including Robert     appeal. One way to do this will be to offer an electronic supplement to
        Stephen and Louise Leister. All BCI members thank them for their efforts   the paper magazine. These will be exciting times for BCI as we further
        for BCI. If wholesale change of the leadership weren’t sufficient, there   improve our offerings. Stay tuned as we implement programs such as
        was one more major change. Donna Banting, BCI’s long term business   our annual convention, modernized web page, BCI Artists program,
        manager and magazine editor, retired after 17 years of service to BCI.     BCI Friendship Exchange and BCI tours among others.
        Donna was a human dynamo as far as BCI was concerned and replac-
        ing her will be two new faces. Joe Grande of Winnipeg, Canada, an   In June, BCI will reconvene along with the American Bonsai Society in
        avid bonsai grower and professional magazine designer, took over as   Louisville, Kentucky, USA. “Bonsai in the Bluegrass” promises to be an
        the new editor of the magazine. Joe designed this issue and I hope you   exciting weekend full of educational bonsai activity, great friendship
        are as impressed as I am. Terry Kempinski will manage the business   and wonderful sightseeing opportunities. The itinerary contains many
        side. Yes, the name is not a coincidence; Terry is my spouse. Having the   interesting programs never before seen at a bonsai convention. The
        business manager and president in close proximity has done much to   convention committee has been very active putting together a first-rate
        reduce the business risk inherent in such a                                  show at a reasonable price, so please meet
        major transition of leadership personnel.   We really hope that you can      us in Kentucky in 2011. Registration info
        Finally, Jim Brandt has retired as our web                                   is in this magazine or on our web page.
        master, and Ian Glew, of Australia, will   participate in what many are calling   You’ll be excited to learn more about the
        take over. BCI thanks Jim for his years of   the “perfect storm” of bonsai shows.   upcoming BCI Japan tour. Last year’s BCI
        behind-the-scenes effort to give BCI an                                      tour of China was such a success that we
        electronic  presence  so  important  in  to-  This will be a BCI event that will be   decided to offer another tour in 2011. This
        day’s day and age.                                                           year, there happens to be two major bonsai
        In addition to being web master, Ian Glew   talked about for years.          shows in Japan in November separated by
        will be the new BCI 1st Vice President.                                      a week. For the first time ever the Asia Pa-
        Paul Gilbert of Colorado will be 2nd Vice President. Joan Greenway of   cific Convention (ASPAC) will be in Japan in Takamatsu on November
        Canada will be the Corresponding Secretary, while Pauline Muth and   18, and the following weekend will be the annual Taikan-ten exhibition
        Dave Radlinski will continue as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.   in Kyoto. Having two major shows in southern Japan on back-to-back
        Glennis Bebb of Australia will remain as Executive Director. Board   weekends in the fall, is really too good of an opportunity to pass up.
        members are Frieda Joris, Belgium; Les Dowdell, Canada; Chai Bao   BCI will sponsor a value-packed tour that will start in Osaka. You’ll
        Cheng and Wang Xuan Min of China; Nikunj Parek, India; Budi Su-  find more information on the tour in this issue of the magazine or on
        listyo, Indonesia; Massimo Bandera and Chiara Padrini of Italy; I. S.   our web page. We really hope that you can participate in what many are
        Ng, Malaysia; Guillermo Ramirez Casta˜no, Mexico and USA; Helen Su   calling the “perfect storm” of bonsai shows. This will be a BCI event that
        and Min Lo, Taiwan; and Tom Elias and Frank Mihalic of the USA. This   will be talked about for years.
        dynamic team will work to keep BCI relevant and vibrant.   The new board, new editor and business manager along with me be-
        The new leadership agrees with me that BCI has to adopt several key   lieve BCI has a bright future. We encourage all of our members to get
        strategic goals so that it can continue to perform its job of promoting   involved. If you have any ideas, suggestions or would like to get involved,
        the art of bonsai around the globe. First, BCI must have financial sta-  please contact any board member.
        bility. We have restructured our roles and cost basis and hopefully can   Regards, and see you in Louisville.
        keep BCI financially viable. Second, BCI needs to evaluate its focus and
        evolve to a mode that allows it to increase its individual membership.
        One part may be a rebranding of BCI to expand beyond clubs and focus   Rob Kempinski
        on individual members. Another part of this goal is for BCI to evaluate

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