Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2013Q3
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        Joe Grande: [email protected]                 international friendship
        Box 85, Group 20, RR2                                    through bonsai          Bonsai
        Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
        Helen Su, Asia: [email protected]                                         & Stone
        Dick Anderson, USA & Other:
        [email protected]                                                               Appreciation
        Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain
        Thomas S. Elias, USA                                     VOLUME 52 NUMBER 3
        Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan
        Chiara Padrini, Italy
        Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
        Alan Walker, USA                       inside Q3
        Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada
        Kath Hughes, UK

        “BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and                                                             2013
        BONSAI & Stone  Appreciation Magazine are
        trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc.,
        © 2013 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial ma-  TOURS, EXHIBITS AND CONVENTIONS
        terials contained in this publication do not nec-  4   Highlights from 2013 International Bonsai Convention, Yangzhou, China & BCI’s 50th
        essarily reflect the views of BONSAI & Stone Ap-
        preciation Magazine, its publishers, editors or the   Anniversary Celebrations, by Kath Hughes, UK and Tom Elias, US
        Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs International.   13  Shangshi; Chinese Viewing Stones, 2013 International Bonsai Convention in Yangzhou,
        No part of this publication may be reproduced,   China, by Gudrun Benz, Germany
        stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
        form, or by any means—electronic, mechanical,   18  Penjing Exhibit 2013, International Bonsai Convention in Yangzhou, China,
        photocopying, recording or otherwise—without   Photos by the Slender West Lake Scenic Area Organizing Committee,
        permission in writing from the Editor.
        BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN   Malcolm Hughes and Kath Hughes, UK
        1068-6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly   32  The French ConneXion; The 2013 European Bonsai Convention, Audincourt, France,
        by Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at 26003 Lake
        Road, Bay Village, OH 44140, USA, & is sent to its   by Kath Hughes, UK
        members. Annual membership dues include a   51  BCI 2014: Sunrise on Australian Bonsai; The 27th National Bonsai Convention,
        1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back issues are
        available at the current cover price from our busi-  Queensland, Australia
        ness office. Periodical postage is paid at Cleveland,
        OH, the USA, and additional mailing offices. This   FEATURE ARTICLES
        issue is printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: send address   46  The Larch; Deciduous Charm, Conifer by Nature, by Danilo Scursatone, Italy
        changes to  BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Maga-
        zine, P.O. Box 40463, Bay Village, OH 44140-9998 .
        Advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines:  40  Scorpion Rising; A Juniperus communis ‘Hemispherica’ from southern Italy,
        For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver-  by Giacomo Pappalardo, Italy
        tising representatives listed above.
        The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma-  51  Sunrise on Australian Bonsai; The 27th National Bonsai Convention, Queensland,
        terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring   Australia
        extensive editing will be returned to the author with
        suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts,   54  Ten Years Later; Torulosa Grove on the Seashore, by Lew Buller, USA
        drawings & photographs, with clear identification   57  Recaredo; a manifesto for a contemporary bonsai, by Massimo Bandera, Italy
        for captions, should be provided electronically, on
        disk, or via email or internet.        NEWS
        Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi resolu-
        tion for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum.   64  BCI Awards of Excellence at Arcobonsai; BCI Visitors in Vietnam; A New Container
        Authors are requested not to submit articles    for an Atlas Cedar at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, USA; BCI Awards of
        simultaneously to another publication.
                                                   Excellence in Sicily.
                                               72  Calendar of Events, compiled by Alan Walker, USA

                                               ON OUR COVER:
                                               Shangshi and Penjing from IBC 2013 exhibit in Yangzhou: The penjing is a wind swept Fraxinus hupehen-
        PUBLISHING SCHEDULE                    sis, a species of ash native to Hubei province in China, exhibited by Qu Yi Garden in Shen zhen, China.
           Issue    Month      Closing Date    The poetic name of the shangshi stone is “Dry Earth.” It is a juanwenshi or Spiral Pattern Stone exhibited by the
           Q1       J/F/M      November 1      Nanjing Penjing Shangshi Association, Jiangsu province, China. Photo by Gudrun Benz.
           Q2       A/M/J       February 1
           Q3        J/A/S       May 1         More shangshi on page 13 and more penjing on page 18.
           Q4       O/N/D        August 1

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