Page 10 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2013Q4
P. 10
Top right; An unusual example
of a large Pyrus calleryana that
measures 120 x 100 x 56 cm.
Bottom right; A Sageretia thea
forest that measures 90 x 80 x
60 cm
Top left; A flute player enjoys his music at the base of
a large Ying stone with a root over rock penjing made
from Berchernia lineata
Ng continued to add many pots including trips to Japan to buy back trees, Ulmus, Celtis and Fraxinus, can be seen among the numer-
antique penning pots that were purchased by Japanese businessmen ous evergreen specimens. Many of the penjing has small ceramic
twenty to thirty years earlier. He developed a level of expertise in the figures in the pots or trays with the trees. These are to help create a
clay used in fine pots and used this information in acquiring new scene and to provide scale. The use of these accessory items is com-
pieces for his collection. Many of the pots are displayed in a long mon in Lingnan style penjing.
narrow building in the garden and in a second building. There is a Ng Shing Fat is an accomplished artist and loves to work on his
smaller collection of viewing stones on display, but these are ancil- trees. Starting from his early years in Wuhan, he has developed into
lary to the trees and pots. The depth of the collections (trees, library, a highly skilled penjing stylist. He prefers to spend his time prun-
and pots) adds to the prestige of this important facility and makes it ing, shaping, and developing his trees into beautiful specimens. The
a leader in the world’s finest facilities for penjing and bonsai. demands of running a large construction company compete for his
The extensive collection of trees at Tracy Garden is very diversity time. Despite this, he manages to devote at least one day a week to
and consist of conifers, evergreen flowering trees and shrubs, and his trees. Ng has been generous in supporting efforts to expand and
deciduous trees. Shenzhen is located in a subtropical to warm tem- promote penjing within China and internationally. He has moved
perate climate; thus trees and shrubs requiring a cold season are not many of his large trees for display at temporary exhibits at various
found here except for a few exceptions. The few conifers represented special events in China such as the major exhibition of trees held
include subtropical pines (Pinus), junipers (Juniperus), and Podocar- during the 2013 BCI convention in Yangzhou, China. He was one of
pus. An array of subtropical evergreen flowering trees and shrubs the featured demonstrators at the BCI convention. In 2012, he staged
are well represented in this collection. Examples in this category are a major exhibition of 200 of his trees and antique Ming and Qing Dy-
boxwood (Buxus), fig (Ficus), and species of Sageretia, Murraya, Eu- nasty pots in Liu Hua Hu public garden in downtown Guangzhou.
genia, Distylium, and Blachia. A few species of deciduous flowering Ng is committed to promoting penjing, especially the Lingnan style,
8 | BCI | October/November/December 2013