Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q1
P. 3 President’s Message
Bonsai Tools Jspring. This is a time of preparing a list of trees soon to
anuary is the time that many of us living in temperate
climates are preparing for the activities of the coming
be repotted, acquiring new tools and supplies and cleaning
to Shape and preparing for the coming season. Our members in the
southern Hemisphere are in mid-summer and busy pro-
tecting some of their trees from the sun and heat. Other
members fortunate enough to live in tropical regions of the
the Dream world, blessed with year-round growing conditions with
rapid growth, are keeping trees pruned to the intended shape
and style. We are fortunate in the pursuit of bonsai because
no matter where we live, there are trees that are adapted to
those areas. Learning about each of these trees, their growth
and maintenance requirements, and how they respond to the The full registration cost of the BCI 2015 Convention is
range of styling techniques, provides opportunities for us only $290 if you register before March 30, 2015. This full
photo courtesy to continuing learning throughout our lives while enjoying registration fee includes all activities, two banquets, and
William Valavanis
As your experience with Bonsai grows, so does your beautiful trees. your choice of the two field trips. It includes the hotel
This is also the time that we are busy planning our sched-
need for higher quality tools. Joshua Roth offers ule of activities at the beginning of this year. We are deter- cost in Yingde city for the stone tour. This is an incredible
tools for every level of interest, all made of superior mining where we will be going to collect new trees or stones, bargain. Register early and save. Go to now
materials and offered at competitive prices. what private collections do we want to see, and what major and plan to attend this event. See p 46 for the schedule.
meetings we want to attend. Of course, this depends upon
You now have more options. NEW! our financial resources and how much we can devote to John Wang, an extremely talented bonsai artist from south-
the hobby of bonsai and stone appreciation. There is one
fantastic bargain that is available to bonsai enthusiasts and ern California, will represent North America.
Our original master brand, Joshua Roth, manufactured in stone connoisseurs this year—the BCI annual convention in Stone appreciation activities at this convention will be
Japan, features four grades of tools, from novice to master. Guangzhou, China. The planning committee has developed greatly expanded from previous conventions by scheduling
For more than 30 years, Bonsai enthusiasts have trusted a wonderful program for bonsai hobbyists as well as for those five lectures by leading stone experts from China, Japan,
Joshua Roth tools to bring life to their Bonsai vision. interested in stone appreciation at a very reasonable price. Europe and North America. Mr. Zhou Guo Xin, Chairman
We have added a new brand, Ryuga, which features top This may be one of the most affordable conventions that is of the Guangdong Viewing Stone Association and Dr. Qiu
Zhill, Professor of Earth Sciences at Sun Yat-Sen Univer-
quality Bonsai tools manufactured in China to quality- available to you this year. sity, will present illustrated lectures about Chinese viewing
The 2015 convention will be held at the Sun Yat-Sen Me-
controlled Japanese standards, both in Carbon Steel and morial Hall and adjacent Guangdong Science Center in stones. Mr. Kunio Kobayashi, Chairman of the Nippon Su-
Stainless Steel. We are the distributor of Ryuga in the USA, downtown Guangzhou. This city is known as the “Pearl of iseki Association, will lecture on Japanese stones, while Dr.
Australia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Southern China” and has been an international trade center Michal Sebo will speak on stones from Europe. BCI presi-
Argentina, and Switzerland. These exceptional tools carry a since ancient times. It is a visitor friendly metropolitan area dent Tom Elias will make a presentation on North American
two-year quality guarantee which provides free replacement with easy access to major capitals around the world. Hun- stone appreciation.
Attendees to the convention will have two excellent two-
for any quality claim on all Ryuga products. dreds of outstanding trees will be on display in the large day tours to choose from—one tree related tour to several
Order our original Joshua Roth or new Ryuga tools and courtyard of the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall. Two large of the largest private collections in southern China and a
vending areas are also located in this courtyard. I am in-
products today! formed that there will be an international shipping company stone tour to Yingde, the source of the famous Ying stones.
available on site to assist you in packing and sending your The bonsai tour will first visit the renowned Tracy Garden
For more information purchases back home. The exhibit of stones from China and in Shenzhen, then travel to three other Lingnan style bonsai
the winning photographs of bonsai and stones from our cur- gardens. This will be a rare opportunity to see many of the
visit or rent photo contest will be displayed in the Science Center. finest examples of Lingnan style bonsai in the world. The
e-mail [email protected] This is also where the bonsai styling demonstrations and stone related tour will be by bus to the city of Yingde North
lectures on stone appreciation will be held. Plan to arrive on of Guangzhou. We will visit several stone shops in Yingde
Call 1-800-624-4635 today for a free catalog and September 17th or earlier, if you want to explore Guangzhou, including the Viewing Stone Street in Zhenyang Fang Town.
the name of a dealer near you. and participate in the opening reception that evening. Participants of this tour will stay overnight in Yingde. The
Outside the US, phone 1-541-791-5312. Most Ryuga tools come with a handy The first two days of the convention, September 18 and next day, the tour will travel a short distance to Ying Stone
Fax: 1-541-791-5337 zippered pouch. 19, will be devoted to bonsai styling demonstrations and Park, a large display of indoor and outdoor Ying stones. Both
illustrated lectures on stone appreciation. Demonstrations tours will return to Guangzhou on Monday evening, Sep-
will be conducted by recognized Chinese Master penjing tember 21 for the presentation of awards and the closing
Joshua Roth — where artists Zhao Qing Quan and Ng Shing Fat. Taiwan will be ceremony.
artistic vision gains precision represented by Chen Jian Liang, Japan will send the talented Tom Elias, President
bonsai artist Mitsuo Matsuda. François Jeker of France will
Providing Superior Quality Tools demonstrate his refined techniques in deadwood styling and BCI
to the Bonsai Community for Over 30 Years
January/February/March 2015 | BCI | 1