Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q3
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President’s Message
recently returned from the Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friend-
ship Federation Grand Vietnamese Bonsai Exhibition
I ld in Ho Chi Minh City in early June. It was a grand
event with over 800 trees on display and several interna-
tionally-known bonsai artists conducting demonstrations.
Nearly 200 foreign guests from 16 countries, and over
15,000 Vietnamese visitors attended the four day event. I
was pleasantly surprised to see the great interest in bonsai
in Vietnam and the very high quality of their bonsai speci-
mens. Three BCI Medals of Excellence were awarded at the
closing banquet to Vietnamese bonsai artists for their out-
standing trees. Over twenty new members from Vietnam
joined BCI during this event; thus, helping BCI develop a
stronger presence in this country. The next opportunity for BCI members to attend regional
There are many advantages to attending regional and
national bonsai meetings in addition to the exhibitions and and national bonsai meetings is our annual 2015 convention
demonstrations. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet old that will be held in Guangzhou, China September 17-21.
friends and develop new ones. The exchange of ideas and This meeting, The Infinity of Bonsai & Viewing Stone: A Cultural
information can inspire us to do more and to improve our
bonsai techniques. Walking through the vendor areas dur- Voyage from Canton to the World, will bring some of the
ing these meetings is exciting and gives us an opportunity finest bonsai artists from China, Taiwan, Europe, and North
to acquire new materials. I was able, for example, to pur- America for demonstrations.
chase five nice, natural, native stones while attending the
Vietnam meeting. Some of the small trees were tempting, new bonsai club memberships to BCI. In the last two years,
but sadly I was not able to bring them back due to plant we have seen considerable growth in members in several
quarantine restrictions in my home country. countries including the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Viet-
The next opportunity for BCI members is our annual nam, and the People’s Republic of China. People are re-
2015 convention that will be held in Guangzhou, China sponding to our Bonsai and Stone Appreciation Magazine
September 17-21. This meeting, The Infinity of Bonsai & as it has increased in the number of pages for some issues
Viewing Stone: A Cultural Voyage from Canton to the World, and improved in the quality and scope of the articles. I
will bring some of the finest bonsai artists from China, always take a supply of our BCI magazine with me when
Taiwan, Europe, and North America for demonstrations. traveling to major meetings to give to prospective new
Bonsai artist François Jeker from France, Matsuda Mitsuo members. I enjoy seeing people’s reactions when they see
from Japan, John Wang from the U.S., and Chen Jian Liang the quality of our Bonsai and Stone Appreciation Magazine
from Taiwan will join some of China’s leading bonsai and, more often than not, they ask how they can join BCI.
artists as demonstrators at this event. In addition, a slate BCI is truly an international, non-profit, educational
of five internationally-known viewing stone experts will organization committed to sharing information about the
present lectures about stones from Europe, Japan, North art of bonsai, penjing, and stone appreciation. We have
America, and China. This will be a great opportunity to see, members in approximately 35 countries. We have many
learn, and exchange information with others. Guangzhou members in North America, Australia, India, Taiwan,
(formerly Canton) is a major international trade center in and a growing presence in Malaysia, the Philippines and
southern China that is very friendly to foreign visitors. It Vietnam. We will be attempting to expand our presence
is easy to get to and there is still time to register and attend. in Europe, Africa, and Latin America in the years ahead.
I hope to see you there. Go to now Each BCI member can be an ambassador for us and help to
and plan to attend. inform others about our wonderful organization.
Then, in March, 2016, BCI will hold its first regional Finally, I plan to take time to enjoy my small bonsai
bonsai convention in conjunction with the Philippine Bon- collection and viewing stone collection in the next two
sai Association. This will be an opportunity to highlight months. I have been so busy travelling that I haven’t had
the outstanding bonsai and viewing stones found in this the time to just sit and view my collection and consider
island nation. I am convinced that you will be as surprised what each of them mean to me. The spirit of bonsai and
as I was when I saw several private collections of bonsai in viewing stones can be an important factor in the quality
the Philippines. Bonsai artists from several countries will of our lives. Take time to enjoy your trees and stones now.
be featured demonstrators, including William N. Valavanis Eventually, there will be a time when we are no longer able
from the US. English is commonly spoken throughout the to do so.
Philippines, so come and join us and see the sights of this
country. Tom Elias, President
I am pleased that the number of people joining BCI is Bonsai Clubs International
growing as we welcome many individual memberships and
July/August/September 2015 | BCI | 1