Page 8 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2016Q1
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uring the last few years, Southeast Asia  a thirst to improve and excel the quality of Taiwanese
                                         has played a contributing role in the de-  bonsai artistry, moved a group of bonsai professionals
                                         velopment of the world bonsai commu-  to establish the Taiwan Bonsai Creators Association
                                         nity. In the global bonsai arena, Taiwan  (TBCA) in 1997. This was the first time a group of
                             Dhas garnered countless accolades as a  Taiwanese bonsai professionals organized as a collec-
                              source of bonsai greatness because of the high quality  tive with the single goal of improving technical, cul-
                              of artistry and technical ability of its bonsai practitio-  tivation and display aspects in Taiwanese Bonsai Art,
                              ners. However, little is known about the foundation  so the future was anticipated with apprehension but
                              of Taiwan’s professional bonsai community and Tai-  with immense enthusiasm towards its continuity and
                              wanese bonsai. Because ecological and climatic factors  overall success. With this in mind, preparations for
                              play an important role in the development of bonsai in  its inaugural exhibition were set for the summer of
                              Taiwan, we begin with a brief description of Taiwan’s  1998 and the southwestern city of Chiayi was chosen
                              microclimate. The island of Taiwan (Isla Formosa)  to introduce the association to the Taiwanese bon-
                              lies on the Tropic of Cancer and its general climate  sai community. As often is the case, nature played a
                              is marine tropical. The northern and central regions  hand in the newly created professional group, with the
                              are subtropical, whereas the south is tropical and the  threats of typhoons Akang and Nichole, minimizing
        Bottom and top left inset; Mr. Ho   mountainous regions have temperate belts. This diver-  the occurrence of their initial show. Against all odds
        Chih Xiong, President of TBCA  sity of climates, combined with the tropical heat and  and with impending natural hazards lurking in the
        Top right inset; Mr. Chen Tsan   humidity, makes it possible for growing a vast number  Taiwanese skies, preparations were not suspended and
        Sing, Chairman, BCI-ASPAC
        2017                  of tree and plant species, thus contributing to the di-  the maiden exhibition was opened in July 2, 1998 with
        Bottom right inset; Mr. Su I Chi,   versity of those used in bonsai. This huge ecological  no typhoon in sight! Exceeding expectations, partici-
        BCI Past President    assortment and availability of resources, united with  pation was a success, making it possible for bonsai
                                                                          to be selected as top ten, top twenty five and top fifty
            This year, under the leadership of President Ho Chih          entries. This first show set the foundation for years
                                                                          to come and has been held consecutively for the last
              Xiong and the wonderful natural backdrop of Sun             eighteen (18) years.
                                                                            As stated before, the judged exhibition is held an-
          Moon Lake in Nantou County, the 18th annual Taiwan              nually, usually in summer, with membership partici-
                                                                          pation consisting solely of bonsai professionals who
               Bonsai Creators Association show was celebrated            have distinction in artistry and have excelled in bonsai

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