Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2016Q2
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        Joe Grande: [email protected]                          promoting
        Box 85, Group 20, RR2                                international friendship     Bonsai
                                                                 through bonsai
        Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
        Helen Su, Asia: [email protected]                                             & Stone
        Dick Anderson, USA & Other:
        [email protected]
        CONTRIBUTING EDITORS                                                             Appreciation
        Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain                                                   VOLUME 55 NUMBER 2
        Gudrun Benz, Germany         
        Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada                                                 APRIL/MAY/JUNE
        Thomas S. Elias, USA
        Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan
        Danilo Scursatone, Italy               inside Q2
        Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia

        “BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and
        Bonsai & Stone  Appreciation Magazine are                                                           2016
        trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc.,     TOURS, EXHIBITS AND CONVENTIONS
        © 2016 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial ma-
        terials contained in this publication do not nec-  4  Bonsai Beyond Borders: BCI 2016, Manila, Philippines
        essarily reflect the views of Bonsai & Stone Ap-  By Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
        preciation Magazine, its publishers, editors or the   16  BCI Excellence Awards: 2016 Philippines-BCI Convention and Exhibition
        Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs International.
        Neither BCI nor any person acting on its behalf   22  Cultural Elegance: 2016 Japan Suiseki Exhibition
        may be held responsible for the use which may   By Gudrun Benz, Germany
        be made of the information contained therein.   52  BCI Excellence Awards: Noelanders Trophy, 2016, Belgium
        No part of this publication may be reproduced,   By Gudrun Benz, BCI Director, Germany
        stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
        form, or by any means—electronic, mechanical,   54  Education and Fresh Perspectives: Bonsai Symposium 2015 in Puerto Rico
        photocopying, recording or otherwise—without   By Carlos Morales and José Luis Rodríguez, Puerto Rico
        permission in writing from the Editor.
        Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN 1068-  ARTICLES
        6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly by   12  The Wonder of Creating a Pemphis:
        Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at PO Box 639,   A demonstration by Min Hsuan Lo at BCI 2016 Convention in Manila
        Prospect Heights, IL 60070-0639, USA, and is sent   By Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia, and José Luis Rodríguez, Puerto Rico
        to its members. Annual membership dues in-
        clude a 1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back   17  The Fine Ethics of Tree Collecting
        issues are available from our business office. Peri-  By Andrew Smith, USA
        odical postage is paid at Prospect Heights, IL, the   30  From a Cutting to the Mountain;
        USA, and additional mailing offices. This issue is   Techniques for Creating Yamadori-Like Juniper Bonsai
        printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: send address changes
        to Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine, PO Box   By Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan, and José Luis Rodríguez Macías, Puerto Rico
        639, Prospect Heights, IL 60070-0639, USA.   38  Haiku Poetry, a metaphor for bonsai
                                                   By Danilo Scursatone, Italy
        Advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines:  40  A Fascination with the Far West & a Juniperus californica
        For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver-  By Mauro Stemberger, Italy
        tising representatives listed above.
        The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma-  47  Azaleas, What Passion!
        terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring   By Danilo Scursatone, Italy
        extensive editing will be returned to the author with
        suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts,   PEOPLE
        drawings & photographs, with clear identification   50  Creating a Bonsai Icon;
        for captions, should be provided in digital format,   Sculptor Rick Gregg and The Artisans Cup Trophy
        on disk, or by e-mail or internet.         By Joe Grande, Canada
        Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi resolu-
        tion for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum.   NEWS
        Authors are requested not to submit articles    61  Bonsai and Stone News: BCI and BCI China forge new links;
        simultaneously to another publication.     In Memoriam, Arthur Skolnik

           Issue    Month      Closing Date
           Q1       J/F/M      November 1      ON OUR COVER: BCI member Tobie Kleynhans from South Africa attended the Kokufu-ten bonsai exhibition in
           Q2       A/M/J       February 1     Japan and submitted several photos from the exhibit as part on an article he wrote that discusses the African
           Q3        J/A/S       May 1         Bonsai Style. Watch for Tobie’s article in a future edition of this magazine. In the meantime, we are featuring
           Q4       O/N/D        August 1
                                               one of these photos on the cover of this edition, expertly photographed by Sandi Kleynhans, Tobie’s wife.

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