Page 2 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2016Q4
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        Bonsai Tools to Shape the Dream

        As your experience with Bonsai grows,                                 “Critical to any world-class Bonsai
        so does your need for higher quality                                  are the tools and other supporting
        tools. Joshua Roth offers a wide range                                             elements.“  – Ryan Neil
        of superior Japanese Bonsai Tools at
        competitive prices—for every level of
                                                                                     From Ryan Neil: “The Artisans Cup is the
                                                                                beginning of a movement to reveal the beauty
                                                                                of the ongoing collaboration between humans
        Our products are available through our extensive                            and nature that occurs during the process
        network of retail dealers—including several mail-order                       of training a tree. This process, currently
        and Internet dealers.                                                          experiencing surging growth in North
                                                                                        America, is symbolic of the struggle
        We offer four grades of Joshua Roth brand of tools. Select                          for life in which all living things
        the tools appropriate to your interest and needs:                                     take part, and highlights the
          •  Student/Novice: Good Quality, basic tools for beginners                           similarities and differences
                                                                                                    between people and
           at a fair price.                                                                         trees. It is a poignant
          •  Intermediate:  A wider range of quality high carbon                                        representation
                                                                                                       of life itself, with
           steel tools for the increased needs of more experienced                                   all of its challenges
           enthusiasts.                                                                               and successes, its
          •  Professional:  This very wide range presents superior                                    hardship and joy.”
           quality and life for the serious Bonsaiist without an                                       Read more about
           astronomical price.                                                                          The Artisans Cup
                                                                                                          movement at
          •   Master:  Our Stainless Steel grade is of the very best quality                             theartisanscup.
           available at any price. Easy clean-up, with the aesthetic feel of                                     com
           fine surgical instruments—the ultimate in lifetime Bonsai tools.
        For those looking for tools at a lower price point than our Joshua Roth
        Japanese tools, we now also have the RYUGA brand of tools—offering a
        wide range of both stainless steel and carbon steel tools made in China.
        Although we specialize in Bonsai Tools and supplies, we also offer                               Joshua Roth,
        qualitiy tools for landscaping and nursery maintenance, as well as floral             proud sponsor of the 2015
        and gardening tasks. These product lines include our extremely popular                  Inaugural Artisans Cup,
        GardenCut™ general purpose shears, and a selection of Japanese pull-                      founded by Ryan Neil
        technology saws.                                                                      and Chelsea Neil of Bonsai
                                                                                                Mirai, near Portland OR,
                                                                                                 to showcase American
        For more information                                                                          Bonsai as a true
                                                                                                            art form.
        visit or
        e-mail [email protected]

        Call 1-800-624-4635 today for a free catalog and
        the name of a dealer near you.
        Outside the US, phone 1-541-791-5312.
        Fax: 1-541-791-5337
                                                    2015 Artisans Cup Trophy by Sculptor Rick Gregg,

                                                    Joshua Roth — where
                                                    artistic vision gains precision

                                                    Providing Superior Service and Quality Tools
                                                    to the Bonsai Community Since 1980.
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