Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2017Q2
P. 5
Joe Grande: [email protected] promoting
Box 85, Group 20, RR2 international friendship Bonsai
through bonsai
Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
Helen Su, Asia: [email protected] & Stone
Dick Anderson, USA & Other:
[email protected]
Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain VOLUME 56 NUMBER 2
Gudrun Benz, Germany
Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada APRIL/MAY/JUNE
Thomas S. Elias, USA
Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan
Danilo Scursatone, Italy inside Q2
Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
“BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and
Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine are 2017
trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc.,
© 2017 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial ma-
terials contained in this publication do not nec- TOURS, EXHIBITS AND CONVENTIONS
essarily reflect the views of Bonsai & Stone Ap-
preciation Magazine, its publishers, editors or the 30 Noelanders Trophy XVIII and EBA & ESA Convention 2017
Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs International. By Gudrun Benz, Germany
Neither BCI nor any person acting on its behalf ARTICLES
may be held responsible for the use which may
be made of the information contained therein. 4 The interpretation and development of Juniperus bonsai art from the mountains to
No part of this publication may be reproduced, the plains
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any By Jian-Liang Chen, Taiwan
form, or by any means—electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise—without 12 Quiet Stones
permission in writing from the Editor. By Paul Gilbert, USA
Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN 1068- 16 Up Your Bonsai Game! Online Bonsai Education Growing Strong:
6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly by Bonsai Empire and Bonsai Mirai
Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at PO Box 639,
Prospect Heights, IL 60070-0639, USA, and is sent By Joe Grande, Canada and Adam Johnson, USA
to its members. Annual membership dues in- 23 Yamadori Techniques: From Collection To First Styling
clude a 1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back By Massimo Bandera, Italy
issues are available from our business office. Peri- 44 Sweet Fragrance: The Charm of Flowering Wisteria Bonsai
odical postage is paid at Prospect Heights, IL, the
USA, and additional mailing offices. This issue is By Danilo Scursatone, Italy
printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: send address changes 48 Reclaiming its wild heritage: Juniperus Sabina
to Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine, PO Box Alpine Wind
639, Prospect Heights, IL 60070-0639, USA.
By Danilo Scursatone, Italy
Advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines: BOOKS
For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver- 46 Sharing Knowledge, Spreading Joy:
tising representatives listed above. Beyond the Spirit of Miniature Landscapes: Saikei, Forest and Water & Land Penjing,
The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma-
terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring by Nikunj Parekh, Jyoti Parekh and Chand Kejriwal
extensive editing will be returned to the author with By Glenis Bebb, Australia
suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts, COLLECTIONS/TRAVEL
drawings & photographs, with clear identification
for captions, should be provided in digital format, 54 Bed and Bonsai in Thailand: Suanphung Bonsai Village
on disk, or by e-mail or internet. By Jerry Meislik, USA
Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi resolu- NEWS
tion for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum.
Authors are requested not to submit articles 61 From Bonsai to Stamps to Photo Albums; A lifetime of bonsai appreciation and
simultaneously to another publication. international friendships; Upcoming National and International Bonsai Events
Issue Month Closing Date
Q1 J/F/M November 1
Q2 A/M/J February 1
Q3 J/A/S May 1
Q4 O/N/D August 1 ON OUR COVER: This Juniperus chinensis by Jian-Liang Chen, photographed in 2007, was started 30 years ago.
This bonsai will be exhibited on the BCI 2017 Convention in Taiwan and it will have a new look as a result of
the last ten year’s growth. The work of Jian-Liang Chen is presented on page 4.
April/May/June 2017 | BCI | 3