Page 59 - Ebook bonsai for beginner
P. 59
Privet Ligustrum
Privet (Ligustrum Ovalifolium) by Harry Harrington. Age: 80 years, height 1’3” / 37 cm The
Ligustrum (Privet) botanical family consists of many subspecies and cultivars (>50) with a
diversity of leaf colors and forms. The Ligustrum is often used for hedging, which can be a source
of great (thick trunked) Bonsai material. The tree is very strong and makes for a popular
beginner’s Bonsai. The most common species of privet include the Ovalifoliu (oval leaved),
Sinense (Sinensus), Japonicum, Lucidum and the Vulgare (common privet).