Page 73 - Ebook bonsai for beginner
P. 73
An occasional thorough styling as well as regular maintenance pruning is
essential to create and maintain a miniature tree. When shaping a tree,
deciding on which branches fit the design and which ones need to be
removed can be very difficult. Take the tree’s basic shape as given (do
not try to make overly radical changes) and decide what should be the
tree’s front. Next, start thinking about which branches need to be pruned
in order to improve the tree’s overall design. After having styled the tree,
regular pruning is crucial in forcing the tree to grow a dense foliage and
fine branch structure, while remaining its shape.
Bonsai maintenance pruning
The goal of maintenance pruning is to maintain and refine the shape of a
tree. Trees will concentrate most growth on the top and outer parts of the
tree; it is important to prune these growth areas regularly in order to
encourage growth closer to the inner parts of the tree.
Maintenance pruning can be done throughout the growth season.
Pruning an oak using a Bonsai twig shear
As mentioned previously, maintenance pruning is required to maintain a
trees’ shape. To do so, simply prune branches/shoots that have outgrown
the intended canopy-size/shape using twig shears or a normal cutter (see
photos 1 and 2, above). Do not be afraid to prune your Bonsai; it is
important, especially in the outer and top areas, to prune regularly in
order to force the tree to distribute growth more evenly and develop a