Page 91 - Ebook bonsai for beginner
P. 91
A Bonsai starterkit usually contains a young plant (called a pre-Bonsai or
a nursery stock), a Bonsai pot, wire and soil. From this young plant you
can create a Bonsai tree in three steps; pruning, wiring and repotting. So,
let’s have a look at the three steps to create a Bonsai tree. You can also
check the Bonsai Empire channel on YouTube for movies on these steps.
Step 1: Pruning your Bonsai tree
First of all, we start to clean out the tree. Carefully study your tree, and
decide on what shape you intend to create in it. While it is easy to prune
branches, it can be very hard to make them grow back. Once you have
decided which branches should be removed, prune these, slowly working
your way up the tree. Start with freeing up the trunk a bit.
When pruning larger branches, you need a concave cutter. This cutter
leaves behind a hollow wound, which heals much better. After pruning
the larger branches, focus on smaller branches, until you are satisfied
with the result.
Cleaning up the tree and removing all the dead branches.