Page 140 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai and Penjing
P. 140


               Albek,  Morten  with  Wayne  Schoech,  Majesty  in  Miniature,  Shohin  Bonsai,
               Unlocking  the  Secrets  of  Small  Trees.  Passumpsic,  Vermont:  Stone  Lantern
               Publishing, 2007.
               Albert,  Karin,  “Mountains  and  Water  in  Chinese  Art.”  Bonsai  Clubs
               International, September/October 1988, Volume XXVII, No. 5.
               _______,  “Rocks  and  Rock  Landscapes.”  Bonsai  Clubs  International,
               September/October 1988, Volume XXVII, No. 5.

               Allinson,  Mary,  “A  Short  History  of  Tiny  Trees.”  Longwood  Gardens  Blog,
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               Baran, Robert J., “Bonsai Book of Days.”
               Becker, Rachel A., “This Bonsai Survived Hiroshima But Its Story Was Nearly
               Lost.”, August 5, 2015.
               Bloomer, Mary Holmes with photographs by Peter L. Bloomer, Timeless Trees,
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               Brown,  Kendall  H.,  Quiet  Beauty,  The  Japanese  Gardens  of  North  America.
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               Angeles Times, May 24, 2004.
               Cathey,  Henry  M.,  Growing  Bonsai.  Washington,  D.C.:  U.S.  Department  of
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               Chan, Peter, Bonsai Secrets, Designing, Growing and Caring for Your Miniature

               Masterpiece.  Pleasantville,  New  York:  The  Reader’s  Digest  Association,  Inc.,
               Chester-Davis,  Leah,  “John  L.  Creech:  A  Giant  in  Plant  Exploration.”  The
               Trillium, Vol. 24, Issue 2, March–April 2014.
               _______, “The Horticultural Legacy of John L. Creech.” YouTube Presentation,
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               Choukas-Bradley,  Melanie,  City  of  Trees,  The  Complete  Field  Guide  to  the
               Trees of Washington, D.C., Charlottesville and London: The University Press of
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               Clark,  Randy  T.,  Outstanding  American  Bonsai.  Portland,  Oregon:  Timber
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               Covello,  Vincent  T.  and  Yoshimura,  Yuji,  The  Japanese  Art  of  Stone
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