Page 60 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 60
Pinching back pine tree buds with the fingers by Juniper shoots being pinched back by hand - an
just nipping them out with your finger nails. operation which should be repeated regularly.
Pruning or pinching
Tree technique Time of year
Pinus thunbergii (Japanese Prune the shoots Early to mid-summer
black pine)
Abies spp. and cvs. (spruce) Prune half of all 2 em (i in) As shoots appear
long shoots
Juniperus chinensis (Chinese Pinch out almost all shoots Repeatedly from spring to
juniper) autumn
Juniperus rigida var. Debud completely As buds appear
nipponica (needle juniper)
Acer spp. and cvs. (maples) Clip leaves (leave one pair at Repeatedly from spring to
each point) and debud the end of sum mer
Ulmus spp. and cvs. (elms) As maples, above As maples, above
Fagus spp. and cvs. (beech) Prune branches and leaves, Repeatedly from spring to
leaving one or two pairs the end of summer
Frui t trees in general Pinch back shoots to two Mid-summer
buds after flowering
Pyracantha spp. and cvs. Pinch back new shoots, to \!lid-spring
(fi relhorn) two pairs of leaves