Page 66 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 66



                                               It is every bonsai enthusiast's dream to
                                               own a  very old tree, the fruit of several
                                               generations'  labours.  For  those  who
                                               cannot afford very old and costly speci-
                                               mens, it is useful  to know that the aged
                                               appearance of a bonsai is not always the
                                               result of extreme age. There is a variety
                                               of simple techniques which you can use
                                               to  age  your  bonsai.  The  main  ageing
                                               technique is  known as 'jin' .

                                               The art of 'jin'
                                               This  is a  technique which will  give  the
                                               trunk,  or  part  of it,  or  a  branch  the
                                               appearance of dead wood, gnarled and
                                               smoothed  by  the  passage of time.  Peel
                                               back a strip of bark with a special scalpel
                                               (a jin  scalpel), or  a  very sharp grafting
                                               knife. Then rub the wood with very fine
         The  'jin'  technique  is  peeling  off the  bark  of a   grade sandpaper to polish it well. Then
         branch, polishing it  and bleaching  it  with  acid.   treat it with dilute citric acid or scouring
                                               solution,  making sure  that  it does  not
                                               penetrate the wood too deeply as it could
                                               poison  the  tree.  This  treatment  will
                                               quickly bleach the wood giving it an old,
                                               seasoned  appearance.
                                                 The jin technique is particularly suit-
                                               able  for  conifers,  which  take  on  the
                                               aspect  of trees  weatherbeaten  by  wind
                                               and  spray by  the sea.
                                                 When trunk and branches are treated
                                               in this way, it is described as 'shari' and
                                               when the method is taken further still, to
                                               the  point  where  the  trunk  is  literally
                                               hollowed  out,  the  method is known  as
                                                 The uninitiated may feel  that the tree
                                               is being maltreated, but all trees treated
                                               in this way remain vigorous and healthy.
                                               The bark is not a living part of the tree,
                                               but  a  protective  covering.  However,  a
                                               strip  must  always  be  left  on  as  the
                                               cambium layer and  the  vessels carrying
                                               water and  nutrients must be allowed  to
        J in carried out on almost the whole of the trunk of a
        juniper gives it the aspect of \'enerable old age. The   perform  their  tasks  if  the  tree  is  to
        effect  of the dead wood is stunning.   continue to flourish.
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