Page 10 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
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The ‘tree’ can be a vine, a shrub or a tree. A common misconception for
beginners is that the plants used for bonsai are ‘dwarf’ plants or even ‘special
bonsai plants’. Quite simply, bonsai are everyday shrubs, trees and vines. For
this reason, they go through their normal seasonal phases, flowering, fruiting and
shedding leaves. Bonsai require the great outdoors in the same way that their
‘untrained’ garden counterparts do.
Trees growing in the wild can elicit a number of emotions in all of us; they can
be powerful statements of age and strength as well as beauty as this Cedrus
Libani photographed at Tattoon Park in Cheshire does.
Plants have evolved over thousands of years to take advantage of natural
light, wind, rain and seasonal changes. Cultivating them in the unnatural
environment of our homes mean they have to cope with poor light and low
humidity levels. Your tree may be able to ‘exist’ for a few months indoors but it
will never thrive. Continual indoor cultivation for outdoor trees nearly always
results in death unless the tree is given a position outside to regain its health.
There are a few plants that will cope with indoor cultivation for short periods of
time; often these are tropical species that require winter protection against the
cold, but even tropical species need outdoor conditions after the threat of frost