Page 111 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 111
the nitrogen, phosphates and potash content on the package. The content of most
other nutrients must also be declared if they have been added to the product.
When purchasing a fertiliser, look for the NPK rating on the packaging.
The first figure refers to the percentage of Nitrogen (N), the second to the
percentage of phosphates (P2O5) and the third to the percentage of potash
It is important when purchasing fertilisers for the majority of bonsai that the
three major elements are balanced. However it is possible to control the type of
growth a plant makes by applying different fertilisers, many fertilisers available
to the enthusiast are suitable; for instance to encourage flower production in
bonsai, a fertiliser containing a higher proportion of Potash can be used to
encourage flowering at the expense of leaf production.
When purchasing fertiliser for bonsai, ensure that all three elements are
balanced and are listed as being equal (for instance 10:10:10 or 15:15:15). My
personal preference when purchasing fertilisers is the Chempak series which are
widely available at garden centres and DIY stores throughout the UK and
Applying Fertilisers
Soluble fertilisers are mixed with water and are applied to the whole of the
soil surface until no more can be absorbed and surplus fertiliser runs out of the
drainage holes of the pot.
It should be understood that a fertiliser with a NPK of 10:10:10 is the same
as a fertiliser with a NPK of 20:20:20. It is not half as strong if mixed to the
manufacturers recommended dose; but it does require twice as much fertiliser to
be used to reach the recommended dosage strength. Fertilisers are produced to
promote optimum levels of growth in a plant and the manufacturers
recommended dosage should be followed to achieve the best NPK level
available for your bonsai.
Fertiliser should ordinarily be applied every other week to bonsai or as
indicated on the packaging. Do not bother to feed at 'half strength' as is often
advised by bonsai texts. This is unnecessary.
High-and Low-Nitrogen Fertilisers
The essential fertiliser for bonsai is one that is balanced ; that is to say has
equal balance of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium. There are two other
combinations that are useful (though not absolutely essential) to successful
bonsai feeding, these should be applied as an alternative to a balanced feed NOT
as an additional feed.
A fertiliser high in Nitrogen (for instance 25:15:15) is often applied to many