Page 117 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 117

of apical growth, also the way that pruning should be carried out to counter it.

               Bonsai cannot simply be pruned to the same degree on each and every branch. In
               the first diagram of an unpruned tree, it is possible to see that the predominant
               growth  is  around  the  apically-dominant  areas,  around  the  crown  and  outer
               branches. To not only re-shape to a mature form but to also counter the apical
               dominance, the tree is pruned harder nearer the top and sides than it is lower
               down the trunk. As can be seen in the second diagram, this results in pruning the
               tree into a roughly triangular shape.
                    Pruning this way means that the otherwise weaker inner and lower growth, is
               left with more foliage and more vigour than the now weakened apical areas. This
               results  in  a  far  better  distribution  of  energy  throughout  the  tree  as  well  as
               improved form. The effects of this pruning will not last that long though; within
               a  relatively  short  period  of  time  the  upper  and  outer  areas  will  recover  their
               dominance and this again will need countering.
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