Page 149 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 149

Leaves should not show white lime deposits from being misted or sprayed

               with hard tap water.
                    No insects or cobwebs should be visible on the tree.
                    All leaves should be of similar size; overlarge leaves should be removed.
                    All flowers or fruit should be free of blemishes.
                    Pots should be clean and undamaged.
                    The colour of the pot should not clash with the dominant colour of the tree
               whether that be the colour of the leaves, flowers or fruit.
                    Glazed pots are generally considered better for deciduous species whilst
               unglazed pots are generally used for coniferous trees.
                    Antique pots should be used for old trees, new pots should be used for

               younger trees.
                    The pot should not distract attention from the tree, it should compliment and
               enhance it.
                    Ornate pots are more suitable for flowering and fruiting trees or mame
                    The tree should not be planted centrally in the pot except when a round or
               square pot is used.
                    The dominant mass of the tree should be above the centre of the pot. A tree
               leaning to the right should be planted left of centre so its centre of gravity is
               above the middle of the pot.
                    The tree should be planted slightly toward the back of the pot.
                    The tree should only be over potted for horticultural reasons; visually under
               potted trees look as though they have thicker trunks than over potted trees.

                    Compost surface
                    The tree should be planted proud above the surface of the compost, which
               should slowly fall away in height to the edges of the pot.
                    The surface should be kept free of weeds and debris from the tree; old leaves
               and flowers for instance.
                    The compost surface should not be plain, gravel or mosses can be used to
               great effect.
                    The use of small ceramic or wooden animals or models should be used with
               considerable discretion.
                    Multi-trunked Bonsai

                    There should not be an even number of stems or trunks.
                    Multi-trunked trees should have all their stems rising from ground level and
               not from part way up the trunk.
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