Page 160 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 160
Chapter 20 Repairing Snapped
A favourite bonsai is blown off a bench during strong winds and several
important branches get broken. Or, when wiring a tree, a branch is bent a little
too far and snaps.
Judging by the number of questions raised on the bonsai forums over the
years, these are events that have happened to all of us at least once. Very often
an enthusiast has tried to repair the branch themselves and though the cambium
layer repairs itself, the wound keeps reopening and is a weak point in the branch.
So how do you successfully repair a snapped branch? Or does it just need to
be removed and regrown? Though I have seen many repairs and remedies
offered by fellow enthusiasts (ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime) the
best way of repairing a snapped branch is extraordinarily simple.
I've snapped this thin Privet branch and it shows a fairly typical scenario. As
a two-year old shoot, the wood is quite brittle so it has snapped on one side
while being bent into position.