Page 193 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 193
followed by small blue berries. Sageretia are slow to form thick trunks and have
very fine formative growth; thick-trunked specimens tend to be imported from
China where they are field grown.
Bonsai Cultivation Notes
Position Good light but out of full sun. Grow outdoors when night-time
temperatures will not drop below 5-6°C (between May and September in
Northern Europe). Indoors, Sageretias need a position that is reasonably humid
so a humidity/gravel tray is necessary and should be allowed to cool at night, in
for instance an unheated room. Sageretia dislike permanent heat throughout the
day as much as they dislike very cold temperatures. Position in good light but do
not expose to direct afternoon sunlight when behind glass to avoid scorching.
Feeding Every two weeks in Summer, monthly in Winter when in active
Repotting Every two years in Spring, use a basic soil mix.
Pruning Trim to shape throughout the growing season. Sageretia back bud
very easily and produce very dense new growth so can be shaped by selective
pruning and wiring can be avoided. Allow young plants to extend 10-15cm
before pruning back to shape to allow the trunk to thicken. Mature, thick-trunked
specimens can be pruned earlier.
Propagation Softwood and hardwood cuttings root easily throughout the
growing season. Sageretia are very rarely seen for sale in Garden Centres and
only tend to be offered for sale through bonsai retailers.
Pests and Diseases Can be affected by aphids and whitefly particularly when
grown under glass. If affected by mildew, do not lower humidity levels but
increase air circulation.
Styling Suitable for all forms and sizes.
Serissa foetida/ Tree of a Thousand Stars or Serissa Bonsai
Serissa foetida derives its name from the fetid smell of its bark and roots
when they are crushed or cut. Foetida is literally 'foul-smelling' in Latin. (It
should be noted that S.foetida is sometimes referred to by its old Latin name
Serissa Japonica).
Serissa is a genus of only one species (foetida), a small evergreen shrub up to
only 50cm in height, from moist, open woodland in S.E. Asia. Its leaves are
borne in opposite pairs and branches are produced in dense numbers from both
old and new wood giving the tree good potential for bonsai cultivation. Serissa
produce numerous small funnel shaped flowers during the summer (and at other
times of the year in alien environments) hence its common name 'Tree of a