Page 20 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
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grow a bit, but, it will very rarely reward you with vigour.
Pruning and Repotting
Bonsai need to be pruned, this keeps them small, an unpruned bonsai simply
becomes an ordinary tree. This is an area that you need to investigate once the
basics of watering and placement are understood. If at first you are unsure,
simply prune back your trees' new growth to its' original shape when it has
extended but don't prune every new leaf that appears as it appears. By studying
your tree, watching its growth patterns and studying other peoples trees on the
internet and in books, you will be able to form a mental picture of how you wish
your tree to develop over the coming years. It may be that you wish it to remain
as it is, or, that there are areas that could be improved. You need to establish
your goals for the tree in order to be able to prune and style it for the future
rather than just randomly cutting areas of new growth.
The other area of bonsai that needs to be addressed by the beginner is
repotting; a very straightforward technique if carried out correctly and at the
right time. Most trees need to be repotted annually or at very least bi-annually in
Spring as the years new growth starts to appear. Trees that are not repotted will
eventually lose their health and vigour.
Many beginners trees can also be found to be planted in very poor soils; they
will need repotting into better quality soil.