Page 42 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 42
should be applied all over the compost surface until it can be seen to run out of
the drainage holes. The second watering should be left for 10-20 minutes by
which time any previously dry areas of the compost will be ready to accept
water. For a second time, water thoroughly all over the surface of the compost
until water can be seen to run out of the drainage holes of the pot. The compost
and root system should now be sufficiently wetted until the next watering is
Hoses and Watering Cans
If you use too concentrated a stream of water, the bonsai soil is likely to be
washed out of the pot. For small bonsai collections, a small watering-can fitted
with a fine rose is sufficient to water the soil thoroughly without displacing the
soil. Otherwise use a hose fitted with a spray gun set to mist, shower or any
setting that will not disturb the soil.
Suitable Water For Bonsai
Water your bonsai with plain tapwater. In areas where the tapwater is hard,
occasionally watering with rainwater is useful to rid the soil of any build up of
salts, but is not essential, unless the tapwater is particularly hard and white salt
deposits start to appear around the pot or trunkbase.
Rainwater can be collected in a water butt attached to the downpipe of a shed
or house, though it would be difficult to collect enough water to meet the needs
of a large collection on a daily basis. Do not use water obtained from water
softeners; many water softening systems increase the volume of salts diluted in
the water to great detriment to a bonsai.
Watering By Immersion