Page 57 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 57
of the bonsai soil on the surface of the pot; this is simply used to cover the
dreaded clay that is found beneath it!
*It should be noted that in other areas of the world, such as the USA, mallsai
are often found to have a layer of rocks glued onto the surface of the soil! The
purpose of these rocks is keep the tree, soil and rootball intact during transport.
The glued rocks impede proper watering of the tree and must be removed at the
earliest opportunity.
Having bare-rooted and repotted the Elm into a good quality bonsai soil, the
tree became healthy and vigorous and over the following three years I was able
to train it, using just a few of the many bonsai techniques available to the
enthusiast, into the bonsai you see above. These two images show that however
humble a trees beginning, with sound horticultural care and knowledge, a mass-
produced mallsai can be turned into a healthy and vigorous work of art.