Page 85 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 85

And so the roots were gently teased apart and 'combed' out with a chopstick
               (I find a wooden tool such as a chopstick allows you much more feedback in
               your fingers than metal tools do and causes far less accidental and unnecessary
               damage to the roots) . This can be a very time consuming job, particularly with a
               rootbound bonsai. There is a fine line between using enough force to pull
               knotted roots apart and making sure that enough care is taken not too break too

               many of them!
                    As can be seen in the image above, with the rootmass untangled, it became
               obvious which were the longest and therefore most vigorous roots; those that
               required pruning the hardest.
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