Page 9 - Tạp chí bonsai BCI Q12011
P. 9

and GHMT Bonsai Exhibition in Guangzhou. There, the                                      left; Watching a large pot being
        most distinctive aspect was the large scale of the bonsai                                made by hand without a mold.
        (called pensai) in China. Many of the trees would require                                below left, bottom left and bot-
        several strong backs to move. Also noteworthy was the                                    tom right;  Flat pad bonsai style
        southern Chinese style. Using tropical plants, this style                                of Yangzhou.
        had a free flowing and very artistic interpretation. Also
        very interesting was the plethora of bonsai nurseries in
        the area, and the vast quantity of bonsai material cycling
        through the Chinese economy—much at elevated prices
        that would astound many Westerners.
        After a short domestic flight, the tour alighted in Nan-
        jing where we saw more fantastic bonsai and stones.
                                                                                      © Budi Sulistyo
        These trees, living in a temperate climate, resembled
        the majority of species grown in the USA and Europe.                                     “ It was at the Yangzhou
        The hospitality and friendship rang true and contrib-                                    Penjing Museum where I
        uted to a wonderful visit. The group also visited Yixing,                                encountered the Yangzhou
        the pottery center of China, and witnessed the bonsai                                    flat pad bonsai style for the
        pot-making process first hand. One artisan made a large                                  first time. There, a young
        hand-formed pot without a mold as we watched  — truly                                    bonsai artist was showing
                                                                                                 a very impressive tech-
        amazing craftsmanship.                                                                   nique whereby a branch is
        In Yangzhou, the site of the 2013 BCI convention, there                                  shaped with three bends
        was a blur of activity as the Yangzhou convention com-                                   in every inch to create the
        mittee hosted welcome dinners, police escorts, park                                      flat topped style. The raffia
        tours, a BCI-Yangzhou contract signing ceremony and                                      is kept on until it is time for
        a farewell dinner. Yangzhou officials assured us that the                                the next inch to be shaped
                                                                                                 but can be kept on for quite
        2013 BCI convention will be spectacular. It will be held at                              a long time. ”
        the Yangzhou Bonsai museum in the Slender Lake Park,                                     Willem Pretorius,
        perhaps the best museum of its kind in the world and the                                 South Africa
        home of the Yangzhou flat pad bonsai style. These trees
        must be seen in person to be truly appreciated.

                                                                                                 left: A detailed view of the
                                                                                                 branch configuration of the
                                                                                                 flat pad style. Palm fiber has no
                                                                                                 stiffness so it can only pull in
                                                                                                 one direction, hence the flat
                                                                                                 pad but note the horizontal
                                                                                                 branch movement. The stylist
                                                                                                 uses a slogan, “3 turns in one

                                                                                      © Willem Pretorius

                                          © Willem Pretorius

                                                                                                             © Rosemarie Voelker
                                                                                           January/February/March 2011 |    7
                                          © Willem Pretorius
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