Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q3
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President’s Message
participated in four bonsai events in three coun-
tries in the last two months. Some of these were
I ajor events like the 41st National Bonsai Exhi-
bition & Competition in Manila, Philippines and a
major of exhibit of 150 large Lingnan style penjing in
Beihai Park in Beijing, China. Others activities were
more local or regional such as a bonsai exhibition at
Descanso Gardens and a program on styling olive
bonsai at the Southern Breeze Tree and Stone Society,
both in southern California. Although widely dis-
persed, these events had two items in common. Bon-
sai activities are attracting a more diverse audience
of hobbyists than two or three decades ago and more The Internet is changing the way we learn about bonsai
young and middle-aged people are becoming in-
volved. Many of our best and most innovative teach- and stone appreciation. We at BCI are adapting to these
ers are relatively young. Bonsai is not just a hobby for changing trends and working to greatly improve our web
older, retired, and financially secure people. These site and the type and amount of information that we have
trends are all positive, indicating a steadily growing
interest in bonsai and bonsai-related arts world-wide. for our members.
More abundant information and the growing
numbers of quality instructors, meetings and con- Another indisputable trend is the greater role of the
ventions are major factors in this diversification of Internet in providing information to people every-
bonsai hobbyists. There was an air of excitement and where. There are few places left in the world without
enthusiasm among the people attending the con- some form of internet connection. The amount and
vention demonstrations, lectures and workshops in quality of material available to people on the Internet
Manila, Philippines to watch and learn from expert is growing rapidly. Thirty years ago, people were still
bonsai stylists from other countries. Budi Sulistyo, a relying mainly on books, magazines, local club meet-
BCI board member, from Indonesia was a featured ings, and occasional conventions as their source of
demonstrator as was Mr. Yen Tzy-ching and Mr. information. Now, the use of website, Facebook and
Tang Chin-Feng from Taiwan. I gave a lecture on other social networking sites allows information to
Chinese and Japanese stone appreciation to an ea- be posted and viewed immediately throughout the
ger group of young stone collectors and had a great world. Within minutes of an event or activity, pho-
interaction with them during the critique of the ap- tographs documenting those events are posted on the
proximate 50 stones on display. The art of bonsai is Internet. Each day, I receive photographs of people
thriving in southeastern Asia because of the friendly who have just dug a tree from the mountains, or
cooperation between bonsai instructors and enthusi- showing a newly restyled tree, or cutting a ribbon at
asts in different countries. However, it not limited to an opening ceremony, or displaying an outstanding
Southeast Asia. I see this in other region of the world newly found stone. The Internet is changing the way
as one reaches out to another and we all help each we learn about bonsai and stone appreciation. We at
other learn and grow in our knowledge of tree and BCI are adapting to these changing trends and work-
stone appreciation. ing to greatly improve our web site and the type and
It is also encouraging to see the growing use of na- amount of information that we have for our mem-
tive or local trees and shrubs in making bonsai. These bers. Watch, we are launching
are best adapted to the environmental and climatic a new website in the coming months.
conditions and eliminate the unintentional introduc- Finally, there is still time to register and attend our
tion of a new disease or insect pests. Bonsai grow- August convention, Sunrise on Australian Bonsai, in
ers and stylists in the Philippines strongly favor the the Gold Coast of Australia. It will be held August
large coastal shrub or small tree, Pemphis acidula, 21–24th. Plan an Australian vacation and attend
or Bantigue as it is locally known. They also favor a our convention. If you like to plan ahead, save the
woody leguminous shrub in the genus Desmodium. September 18–21st, 2015 dates and plan to attend our
It’s common local name is Blue Bells because of the grand convention in Guangzhou, China. And, if you
numerous small, bluish colored flowers. This shows are truly an advanced planner, the 2016 convention
a growing level of sophistication among the bonsai will be held in Lithuania in September. It too is shaping
community in the Philippines. As our newest BCI up to be a great experience.
club member, the Philippines Bonsai Society is lead-
ing the efforts to bring quality bonsai to all reaches Tom Elias, President
of this island nation. Bonsai Clubs International
July/August/September 2014 | BCI | 1