Page 8 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q3
P. 8

Top; One of the thousands of   I shifted my snorkeling agenda from admiring fish,  As yet I have not determined with any predictive cer-
        natural Penjing islands within   lures, and interesting aquatic features to an intense  tainty were best to look for these stones; deceptively,
        the Lake Huron area.
                              search for green algae- and Zebra mussel-studded  what’s above the surface does not necessarily indicate
                              stones of unusual shape. At first the harvesting of  what’s below.
                              these stones was a novelty but very quickly evolved   When an area is deemed to have potential, which is
                              into an obsession. As my vision became more refined  often based solely on intuition, then a well-organized
                              (we tend to see what we’re looking for,) the number  surface plan is implemented with all conscripted fam-
                              and quality of candidate stones increased.   ily divers, the lead being my son David, being assigned
                                Owing to the popularity of this area as a vacation  to their respective underwater responsibilities. Once
                              destination, the number of cottages has increased as  in the water, however, our best intentions and strat-
                              well as localized pollution. This has forced us further  egy vanish as we scatter, like freed minnows, inde-
                              from shore into open water in search of clarity just to  pendently scanning and following the contours of the
                              see the bottom. Our rudimentary equipment, which  bottom in search of stones. On occasion, we will be-
                              includes a fourteen-foot aluminum boat meant for  come disoriented by the monochromatic bottom and
                              sheltered waters, is being deployed miles into open  circle back into a previously viewed area, as evidenced
                              water in search of boulder fields around shoals and  by the tell tale signs of examined rocks.
                              islands. Actually, this is part of the adventure, albeit a   When an interesting shape is spotted, it is studied
                              dangerous one.                              for complexity, size and feasibility to move. We’ve ad-
                                I referred to these stones as being “dropped” by the  mired many large sculpted boulders that were far be-
                              receding glacier only because they always seem to be  yond our capability to transport, leaving us to merely
                              located on top of or leaning against other rounded  swim around these sentinels in awe. If the rock is
                              and worn glacial rocks and boulders, and could not  considered manageable, it will then be manually lifted
                              have otherwise survived the crushing effects of the ice.  and cradled by hand while holding one’s breath and

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