Page 10 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q4
P. 10

Left column; Frank Mihalic’s
        jewelry making work shop
        where participants created a
        wax original that Frank cast in
        silver at his studio in the US,
        using the lost wax process.
        The finished silver bonsai
        pins that were sent to the
        workshop participants.
        Right column; Tom Elias
        Suiseki Critique of the Stone
        exhibition where 80 stones
        were on display..

                                                                          Frank Mihalic, a second generation bonsai artist from
                                                                          USA, also a BCI Director.
                                                                            Saturday morning, over forty BCI members and
                                                                          club representatives rose early to attend the 7:30 AM,
                                                                          BCI Annual General Meeting. BCI President, Tom
                                                                          Elias gave an update on the progress of our organi-
                                                                          zation, planed improvements to the website and our
                                                                          much improved financial position.
                                                                            He introduced the BCI newly elected Officers for
                                                                          2014-2016. Minutes of this meeting will be made
        “For this great       were joined by Ms Chen Wenjuan from China who  available soon in the member’s area of the BCI website.
                              is the Curator of Mr. Xin Changbao’s Bonsai Park   Demonstrations continued with Zhao Qingquan
        Bonsai Family
                              in Changzhou. Ms Chen styled a Juniper squamata  (also known as Brook) from China showed us the
        Gathering, which      which she attached to a large Australian sandstone  talent of his 40 years of experience and created a
                              rock. Some radical bending, and chipping at the stone  large land-water Penjing using 2 large Melaleuca ry-
        we all got to relish,
                              by Tony Bebb, helped to make it fit. She may be small  phalyophylla on a marble tray 1.2 meter long. Tom
        congratulations       in stature but is one very strong lady! At the same time  Elias held court with his very well received Suiseki
                              we had Mr Gong Linmin take us step by step through  Critique of the Stone exhibition where 80 stones were
        to Lindsay, Glenis,   the creation of making a semi cascade pot. The de-  on display. “The fascinating array of Australia stones
        BCI and the team of   tail and explanation was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  on displayed were indicative of the growing interest in
                              His theatrical finish capped off what was a fantastic  native stone appreciation,” said Tom.
        Australian members    demonstration. The pot will soon be fired at 1117°C   After lunch it was time for the International Relay
        for the success it    as instructed.”                             Team Challenge. The original three teams selected
                                Next up was the Australian Demonstration Team  were: Australia, consisting of Tony Bebb, Chris Di
                              of Tony Bebb, Chris De Nola and Joe Morgan-Payler.  Nola and Joe Morgan-Payler; Asian Team, with Ni-
        —Nikunj Parekh, BCI   Tony took on the task of creating a semi cascade Black  kunj Parekh, Joyti Parekh and Budi Sulistyo; the third
                              Pine, Pinus thumbergii, which required the help of a  team comprised Lindsay Muirhead NZ, Poppy Eng-
        Director, India       large bending bar; Chris styled a Japanese juniper,  lebrecht NZ and Les Dowdell, Canada.
                              Juniperus procumbens, in a pseudo-Literati Style; Joe   Glenis explains, “After consultation with some par-
                              transformed what looked like a very difficult Juniper  ticipants it was apparent that the Aussie boys were up
                              into a stunning bonsai.                     to mischief. So at the last minute the teams were all
                                Also on Friday, participants had the opportunity  mixed up to make it a truly international event. Team
                              to attend an optional jewelry making work shop with  one was Chris, Poppy and Nikunj; team two was Joe,

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