Page 6 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q4
P. 6
BCI 2014
Sunrise on Australian Bonsai
Text contributed by Glenis Bebb, Australia and Kath Hughes, UK
Photos contributed by Helen Su, China; Alan Walker, USA; Frank Mihalic, USA; Malcolm Hughes, UK;
Peter Woosley, Australia; Leanne Esteb, Australia; and Lindsay Bebb, Australia.
“BCI Australia was
a warm convention
that linked many
bonsai lovers from
around the world
to be together
and enjoy the
friendships. To
my mind, it is the
first time that
many Asians from
China, Taiwan,
Philippines and even
Korea, attended
a convention in
Australia. It is a good
sign of BCI growing
in the East.” The 80 Bonsai on exhibit came from South East Queensland, with
the exception of two trees on loan from the National collection in
—Budi Sulystio, BCI Canberra, and one from a private collection, also in Canberra. The
Director, Indonesia 80 Viewing Stones were from collections around the country.
4 | BCI | O c t o b er/N o v em b er/D e cem b er 2014
4 | BCI | October/November/December 2014