Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q4
P. 3 President’s Message
Bonsai Tools
to Shape Obe remembered as one if the finest conven-
ur 2014 convention, Sunrise on Australian
Bonsai, in the Gold Coast, Australia will long
the Dream tion ever held thanks to the great organizational skills
and efforts of Lindsay and BCI Vice President, Glenis
Bebb. Over 400 people from many countries around
the world converged on the east coast of Australia
for three days of fun, wonderful exhibits of trees and Over 400 people from many countries around the world
stones, extraordinary demonstrations, lectures, and converged on the East coast of Australia for three days of
the opportunity for people to meet and interact with
photo courtesy fun, wonderful exhibits of trees and stones, extraordinary
William Valavanis others who share an interest in bonsai and stone ap-
As your experience with Bonsai grows, so does your preciation. It is gratifying to know that these art forms demonstrations, lectures, and the opportunity for people
need for higher quality tools. Joshua Roth offers are alive and well down under. Actually, they are thriv- to meet and interact with others who share an interest in
tools for every level of interest, all made of superior ing as they develop more of their bonsai from locally
materials and offered at competitive prices. grown materials and search the far reaches of Austra- bonsai and stone appreciation.
lia for new and fascinating stones. Congratulations to
You now have more options. NEW! everyone in Australia who helped to make this a great northwestern Europe. Plans are already underway to
During the convention, I had the pleasure to award make this another fabulous convention. But, we know
Our original master brand, Joshua Roth, manufactured in three BCI Awards of Excellence to three bonsai art- from prior experience that few people will travel from
Japan, features four grades of tools, from novice to master. ists and to three stone collectors for their outstanding Asia to attend. Thus, we will have a regional BCI meet-
ing early in 2016 in the Philippines in collaboration
For more than 30 years, Bonsai enthusiasts have trusted pieces. Details of these awards are given in the article with the Philippines Bonsai Society. Furthermore, we
Joshua Roth tools to bring life to their Bonsai vision. about our convention. BCI awarded Pauline Muth will have another regional meeting in mid-December
with the Distinguished Service Award for serving in
We have added a new brand, Ryuga, which features top different capacities on the board, including most re- in India. Our goal is to greatly expand our outreach
quality Bonsai tools manufactured in China to quality- cently as treasurer, and for her life-long commitment program and bring bonsai and stone appreciation to
controlled Japanese standards, both in Carbon Steel and to the promotion of bonsai. Congratulations Pauline! much larger groups of people than we can achieve
Stainless Steel. We are the distributor of Ryuga in the USA, A major portion of this issue will be devoted to re- with just a single once-a-year meeting. This will be an
interesting experiment and I hope that the majority
Australia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil, porting on the activities of our Gold Coast conven- of our board members can attend at least one of these
Argentina, and Switzerland. These exceptional tools carry a tion. Perhaps, this will stimulate you to attend our meetings.
two-year quality guarantee which provides free replacement annual meeting next year in Guangzhou, China. Also Each member of the board of directors serve for a
for any quality claim on all Ryuga products. in this issue, you can learn about bamboo bonsai, a two-year term. These terms are staggered so each year
subject that few of us know about or have ever read
Order our original Joshua Roth or new Ryuga tools and information on how to make a bonsai from a bam- some members completed their service to BCI and
products today! boo species. BCI is growing literally and figuratively. leave the board, while new members join our board.
Beginning with this issue, Bonsai and Stone Appre- The members who completed their term and are
leaving the board have made significant contributions
For more information ciation magazine will be expanding the number of to BCI and the promotion of bonsai worldwide. I
pages in our quarterly magazine as quality materials
visit or become available. The board of directors voted for this want to thank and acknowledge the efforts of Chiara
Padrini, Les Dowdell, Joan Greenway, and Pauline
e-mail [email protected] improvement as one of the ways we can provide better Muth. At the same time, we welcome the addition of
services to our members.
Call 1-800-624-4635 today for a free catalog and The cost of traveling long distances to attend our Vic Ceballos from the Philippines and Gudrun Benz
the name of a dealer near you. convention has been steadily rising and is now a se- from Germany to the board of directors.
Finally, we are working to provide our members
Outside the US, phone 1-541-791-5312. Most Ryuga tools come with a handy rious obstacle for many of our members who would with better services. Our next major improvement
Fax: 1-541-791-5337 zippered pouch. like to attend. People new to bonsai may be hesitant to will be a completely revised web site, www.bonsai-bci.
invest funds in a major trip not knowing what to ex- com. Watch for this late this year. The new site will be
pect from our conventions. As a result, the BCI Board easier to use and contain more useful information.
Joshua Roth — where of Directors voted unanimously to experiment with
regional meetings in addition to our major annual
artistic vision gains precision convention in 2016. Two years from now, our conven- Tom Elias, President
Providing Superior Quality Tools tion will be held in September in Vilnius, Lithuania.
This is a beautiful older city in the Baltic region of
to the Bonsai Community for Over 30 Years
October/November/December 2014 | BCI | 1