Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q4
P. 3

President’s Message

             his is my third year as president to report to our
             clubs and individual members about the status of our
        Torganization, Bonsai Clubs International (BCI), and
        the progress we have made in the last twelve months. We
        continue to make significant progress on several important
        fronts due to the efforts of our board members, the
        dedication of our editor, Joe Grande, and business manager,
        Carole Roske, and many volunteers. One of our many
        accomplishments achieved this year was raising the visibility
        and awareness of BCI worldwide. This was done through a
        multi-pronged effort using social media, publications and
        increased presence at meetings in different countries.
          Our new BCI web site launched this year, resulted in a
        sharp increase in the number of visitors that are spending   Today, September 10, 2015, the BCI bank balance is
        more time exploring the site, rich in new content with more   $130,262. This has been achieved, in part, by having board-
        to be added every month. Likewise, the increased popularity
        of our BCI Facebook page has been extraordinary. Earlier  approved operating budgets for each of these years and
        this year, I asked former board member, Rosemarie Voelker,   specific efforts to increase income.
        to take a leading role in posting photographs on our website.
        Many of her excellent photographs are now attracting from   with the largest number of bonsai hobbyists in the world.
        8,000 to 22,000 views each as compared to just several   Thanks to great internal leadership, BCI-China has grown
        hundred views in the previous years.             to approximately 380 members in just two years and BCI is
          Our flagship publication, Bonsai & Stone Appreciation   becoming much better known in China.
        Magazine, continues to grow in stature and importance    When I became President of BCI three years ago, our
        in the world wide bonsai community. We are successfully   financial situation was precarious. Thanks to the help of
        completing our first full year in expanding our magazine   many board members and others, we have reversed that
        to 72 pages per issue instead of 64 pages as in previous   situation and now BCI is in a strong financial position.
        years. This is due to our improved financial situation, to   This is the result of broadening our sources of income—
        the efforts of our editor and editorial committee, and to   conventions, auctions, and book sales. In April, 2011, BCI
        many authors who contribute articles and news events. This   had a bank balance of just $23,543. That bank balanced
        year, we welcomed three new authors to our contributing   increased to $37,759 by the end of 2012, and by August
        writers. I am grateful to the many positive comments I have   13, 2014, that balance had increased to $85,000. Today,
        received from our members concerning the improvements   September 10, 2015, the BCI bank balance is $130,262.
        in our publication. One long-standing member even made   This has been achieved, in part, by having board-approved
        a notable contribution to BCI in recognition of the efforts of   operating budgets for each of these years and specific efforts
        our editor, Joe Grande.                          to increase income.
           We are in the process producing our second book, Bonsai   We still have important challenges ahead. BCI must
        and Viewing Stones from BCI Members’ Collections 2015,   provide better services and products to our clubs and
        resulting from our biennial photographic contest. Earlier   individual members. Our improved conventions, magazines,
        this year, we had a member’s contest and 207 photographs of   and web site are important; but we must look at developing
        trees and 86 photos of stones were received. A panel of three   new educational materials, more online information and
        judges was selected for each category, one from Europe, one   more creative ways of disseminating quality information to
        from Asia and one from North America. They rated the   our members. Our improved financial situation gives us the
        entries and the highest scoring entries will be published in   opportunity to invest in these areas to benefit our members.
        our new book. Our new book will have photo representing    By providing better member services, we can also focus
        trees and stones from nineteen countries. This book   on another challenge facing BCI. In the last three years, we
        containing photos of 120 trees and about 60 stones will be   have stopped the decline in membership and have begun
        available in early 2016. This gives us another opportunity to   the process of building our membership base. That progress
        recognize internationally the artistic efforts of our members.  must continue as we seek ways to retain existing members
          I, along with several of our board members, participated   while adding new ones. We are truly an international
        in major bonsai events in various regions of the world. We   organization and our membership should reflect the global
        have disseminated our magazine, presented BCI Medals of   demographics of the world’s bonsai and stone appreciation
        Excellence, and promoted BCI. As a result, we are seeing   enthusiasts.
        growth in our organization in countries like the Philippines,
        Malaysia, and Vietnam. In 2013, Helen Su and Glenis Bebb   Tom Elias, President
        and I signed an agreement with the Chinese Society of   Bonsai Clubs International
        Landscape Architecture to establish a BCI-China program.
        Prior to this, we were very poorly represented in the country

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