Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q4
P. 5
Joe Grande: [email protected] promoting
Box 85, Group 20, RR2 international friendship Bonsai
through bonsai
Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
Helen Su, Asia: [email protected] & Stone
Dick Anderson, USA & Other:
[email protected]
Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain VOLUME 54 NUMBER 4
Gudrun Benz, Germany
Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada OCTOBER/NOVEMBER/DECEMBER
Thomas S. Elias, USA
Kath Hughes, UK
Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan inside Q4
Danilo Scursatone, Italy
Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
Alan Walker, USA
“BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and 2015
Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine are TOURS, EXHIBITS AND CONVENTIONS
trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc.,
© 2015 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial ma- 4 The Infinity of Bonsai & Viewing Stones; A Cultural Voyage from Canton to the World
terials contained in this publication do not nec- 2015 Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Exhibition
essarily reflect the views of Bonsai & Stone Ap- By Tom Elias and Rosemarie Voelker
preciation Magazine, its publishers, editors or the 14 BCI Excellence Awards at Guangzhou
Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs International.
Neither BCI nor any person acting on its behalf 16 On Exhibit at Infinity of Bonsai and Viewing Stones
may be held responsible for the use which may
be made of the information contained therein. ARTICLES
No part of this publication may be reproduced, 24 The Stone Exhibition at BCI 2015 in Guangzhou; A Judge’s Point of View
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form, or by any means—electronic, mechanical, By Lindsay Bebb, Australia
photocopying, recording or otherwise—without 30 The Artisans Cup; Advancing the American Bonsai Identity
permission in writing from the Editor. By Paul Pikel, USA
Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN 1068-
6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly by 40 Budi’s Bucida; Creating a Black Olive From Nursery Material
Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at 26003 Lake By Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
Road, Bay Village, OH 44140, USA, & is sent to its 45 Bonsai Care: Bucida sp.
members. Annual membership dues include a
1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back issues are 54 Searching for Stones in Puerto Rico
available from our business office. Periodical post- By Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
age is paid at Cleveland, OH, the USA, and addi-
tional mailing offices. This issue is printed in U.S.A. PEOPLE & COLLECTIONS
Postmaster: send address changes to Bonsai & Stone 27 Photo Essay; BCI VIP Tour to Inner Mongolia and Ningxia
Appreciation Magazine, P.O. Box 40463, Bay Village,
OH 44140-9998 . By Anthony and Malou V. Gedang, Philippines
58 My Bonsai are Getting Older …and so am I
Advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines: By Lew Buller, USA
For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver- 60 Mark and Ritta Bring Kokonoe Home; Importing bonsai trees from Japan to Europe
tising representatives listed above. By Kath Hughes, UK
The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma-
terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring REVIEWS
extensive editing will be returned to the author with
suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts, 46 Literati Penjing: Chinese Bonsai Masterworks by Zhao Qingquan
drawings & photographs, with clear identification By Michael Collins McIntyre, Canada
for captions, should be provided in digital format,
on disk, or by e-mail or internet. NEWS
Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi resolu-
tion for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum. 37 2015 BCI Photo Competition Results
Authors are requested not to submit articles 66 Bonsai & Stone News: BCI Awards at the 2015 Convention, Guangzhou, China;
simultaneously to another publication. Canadian bonsai artist Norm Haddrick recognized for his many years of volunteer
PUBLISHING SCHEDULE service; BCI Awards at the 11th Crespi Cup, Italy; A Year in Malaysian Bonsai; Register
Issue Month Closing Date for Bonsai in the Garden Learning Seminars in Michigan; All India Bonsai Summit Held
Q1 J/F/M November 1 at Bhopal; Rocknockers of the World Unite at Annual Symposium.
Q2 A/M/J February 1
Q3 J/A/S May 1
Q4 O/N/D August 1 ON OUR COVER: A Ying stone from Guangzhou, China, on exhibit at The Infinity of Bonsai & Viewing Stones;
A Cultural Voyage from Canton to the World, 2015 Bonsai Clubs International Convention and Exhibition.
Photo by Budi Sulistyo.
October/November/December 2015 | BCI | 3