Page 10 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2016Q3
P. 10


        The trunk of this wild                                            This example shows the tasks to be performed during
        olive is quite sinuous                                            the first phase of formation of branches. Let’s see the
        and very elegant. The                                             developments during those three years.
        design objective must
        be in harmony with its                                            The objectives are:
        inherent characteristics.                                         •  Creation of a design that brings out the inherent
        AS such, the canopy
        design will have ample                                              potential of the tree.
        spacing, allowing the                                             • Determine the front and planting angle of the tree.
        viewer opportunity to                                             •  Creation of the main branches, using the
        appreciate its rugged                                               predetermined line.
        bark and beautiful shari,                                         • Creation of the secondary and tertiary branches.
        which extends from top                                            •  Allow maximum girth of the branch structure. The
        to bottom.                                                          primary branches will need more time to thicken.

        July, 2005. We only
        have a trunk and
        weak branches. At this
        moment, we allow the
        tree to gain strength. For
        that purpose, we placed
        the tree in a larger pot,
        thus allowing vigorous

        A year later, the tree has
        gained the necessary
        strength and vigor to
        withstand initial shaping.
        Growth is young and

        Following our design
        plan, we wire the
        branches that will make
        up the branch structure.
        The unnecessary growth
        is quickly eliminated.
        Note that the terminal
        buds have not been
        removed. This allows the
        branches to elongate
        and gain girth.

        May, 2008. The process
        has been repeated.
        Branches keep
        thickening and new
        spontaneous growth of
        secondary branching

        8    | BCI |  July/August/September 2016
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