Page 52 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 52


                                              two  opposite  branches  on  the  trunk.
                                              In  this  way,  you  will  produce  a  tree
                                              with alternate branches in  keeping with
                                              bonsai  tradition.  Beyond  this  simple
                                              fundamental  rule,  pruning  for  bonsai
                                              formation is intended to shape the tree to
                                              the  form  you  want.  Be  discriminating
                                              when removing branches, since a branch
                                              cut from  the trunk will not grow again
                                              and you may be left with an assymetrical
                                              or badly-shaped tree. Any error in your
                                              judgement may be  rectified  by grafting
                                              on a  replacement  branch - but  this  is
                                              always  a  delicate  operation  and  not
                                              guaranteed  to  succeed.  Although  there
       Using  a  pointed  saw.  The cut should  be neat and
       clean without splinters.               are  certain  rules  (such  as  systematic
                                              pinching out of the tips to obtain a well
                                              branched crown), this sort of pruning is
                                              generally a matter of common sense. lt is
                                              obviously  necessary  to  cut  out  suckers
                                              developing at the base of the trunk of a
                                              broom  shaped  tree, just as  it  is  to cut
                                              back the leading shoot of a tree that you
                                              want  to  form  a  bushy  shape,  the  skill
                                              being in selecting the right branch to take
                                              over as  the new leader. Cuts should  be
                                              clean, so the tree can heal quickly. This
                                              often means using a pair of cutters with
                                              slightly  curved  blades.  For  slightly
                                              thicker  branches,  the small  hole  left  in
                                              the trunk should be filled  with grafting
                                              mastic to accelerate healing and elimin-
       This badly placed branch should be removed with a   ate all traces of the scar where the bark
       pair of cutters.                       has grown back. Where a  pruning saw
                                              has  been  used,  (here,  a  pointed,  fine-
                                              toothed saw), it is almost always neces-
                                              sary to trim the cut with a pair of cutters
                                              or the blade of a  grafting knife.
                                                Tools  should  always  be  sharp  and
                                              clean.  Sterilize  the  blade  with  a  flame
                                              after each pruning, to reduce the risk of
                                              transmitting viral diseases.
                                                At  this  point,  it  might  be  useful  to
                                              stress  the quality  of the  tools you  use.
                                              Traditional Japanese tools are certainly
                                              not cheap, but they are perfectly adapted
                                              to  the  requirements  of  bonsai  culti-
                                              vation.  Do resist the temptation to use
                                              ordinary secateurs, or,  for that matter,
                                              any  other  tools.  You  will  only  risk
       The  powerful  curved  blades  of these  cutters  will
       ensure a very clean cut with a minimum of effort if   ruining your tree completely for the sake
       you keep them sharp.                   of a small outlay.
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