Page 48 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 48
SIDE GRAFTING: Simple to carry
out, side grafting entails making a slant-
ing cut in the side of the stock into which
the wedge-shaped end of the trimmed
scion is inserted. The graft should then
be bound and sealed with mastic.
This method is especially good for
grafting conifers and evergreen trees.
The cambium layers of scion and parent
stock come into contact and this helps
the graft to take.
BUDDING: This technique is very dif-
ferent from the others described, since it
does not involve grafting a twig, but an
eye or leaf bud attached to a small piece
A side graft is easy to carry out and has a good
chance of taking. of bark. The bud is inserted into a T-
shaped cut made in the bark. As with
crown grafting take care not to damage
the wood when doing this and use the
knife's spatula end to open the bark a
little. Insert the bud and then bind, but
do not seal with mastic.
This method of grafting is probably
gentler than the others for the stock,
which is not damaged if the graft does
not take. It can be carried out in summer
when bud development is well advanced.
As we have seen, grafting can be consid-
ered one of the most reliable methods of
propagation. It also makes for a consid-
The side grafted scion is bound to the stock with erable saving in time, compared with
raffia, but not sealed with mastic. raising from seed.
Grafting also offers the bonsai enthu-
siast other benefits, such as improving
the shape of a tree. It is possible to use the
GRAFTING MASTIC bonsai tree's own branches to add a
branch where one is missing. This takes
Contrary to popular belief, grafting grafting out of the realm of propagation
mastic plays no active part in the 'taking'
of a graft. This is proved by the fact that and into that of bonsai shaping.
a number of grafts do not require sealing, Grafting is also used to alter the
the contact between cambium cells, which gender of trees, making a sterile
.ensure a union, being enough just with dioecious tree monoecious and fruit-
binding. The addition of mastic is only
needed where a large portion of tissue has bearing. It is enough just to graft a
been exposed and needs protecting from branch from a male tree on to a
airborne diseases. female one to provide for notably easier
fertilization of the flowers.