Page 7 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 7


             ANATOMY OF A TREE

      Whatever its species or variety, a tree has   capillary structure of lhe roots creates a
      a  particular  anatomy,  or  structure,   continuous upward movement of water
      which  is found  in every example of its   in  the  soil,  making  sure  that  the  tree
      kind, regardless of age.               obtains all  the substances it needs. The
                                             normal development of the aerial part of
                                             the  tree  (the  focus  of our  interest)  is
      Underground parts                      linked  to  root  development.  If root
      These  consist  of the  roots  of the  tree   growth is inhibited, the aerial part of the
      which  draw  from  the  soil  those  sub-  tree will stop growing and may even die,
      stances  which  are  vital  to  the  tree's   as a tree can only survive by growing. In
      growth. A complex network of roots and   bonsai, root growth is always restricted
      rootlets ensures that the tree is at once   by the size of the container, which is why
      firmly  anchored  and  also  fed.  The   these  trees must be regularly  repotted.

      The  diagram  shows  how  the  roots  relate  to  the   The root system is far less important in bonsai than
      branches and  foliage of a  tree in its natural state.   it is in  a tree allowed  to grow  naturally.
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