Page 12 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 12


       Climate                               phere becomes warmer and  the level of
       This mainly denotes the ambient condi-  humidity  drops  very  low,  the  plant  is
       tions and in particular, the temperature   likely to die.  A horticultural maximum-
       and humidity (moisture taken in by the   minimum  thermometer  is  available
       roots  and  present  in  the  air).  It goes   which can  be placed near your bonsai.
       without saying that the  growth of any   Only  some  types  of  tree  from  the
       tree  is  directly  linked  to  the  climatic   tropics need  to l;>e  or will  tolerate being
       conditions.  Everyone knows that tropi-  grown  indoors  at  a  high  temperature,
       cal vegetation differs vastly from that of   above 15oC (60oF). Provided the atmos-
       a  temperate or cold climate.         phere  is  humid  enough,  the  plant  is
         A climate which is clement for most of   watered  frequently  and  the  leaves  are
       the year, allows most species to grow. In   frequently  misted  with  water,  these
       some cases, human intervention may be   tropical trees should survive.
       needed, to water plants, for example, or   These  'indoor' bonsai can almost  be
       protect them from frost, but most species   considered  as  house  plants.  Some  of
       can be grown in the soil outdoors with-  them are simply ordinary indoor plants
       out much difficulty. In bonsai,  this ap-  treated  as  bonsai - plants like  azaleas,
       plies to all species that come from cold,   fuchsias, and so on.
       mountainous or temperate regions. Bon-  Some  genuinely  tropical  plants  can
       sai  trees  can  and  should live  outdoors,   also  be grown under glass and  treated,
       provided the climatic conditions are not   shaped  and  trained  like  bonsai.  This
       too  harsh.  In general this means where   applies  to  some  bamboos,  which  can
       the  temperature does  not  usually  drop   produce  some  very  interesting  effects.
       below  - YC  (23°F).  If it does  (or just   The distinctive elegance of the date palm
       before),  the  bonsai  should  be  moved   (Phoenix  dactyltfera)  which  grows  as a
       indoors during the cold weather, or into   house plant to a height of 3 m (10 ft) or
       a  well-lit  room,  where  the  temperature   more but can be reduced to about 30 em
       never exceeds lOoC (50oF). If the atmos-  (1  ft),  is  also worth mentioning.

         Centigrade    ©        Centigrade

         I           Wet  thermometer   J
          '~~   0-\  \I\ 14  I  I  I  :to,r   6u
                   'l..'J456J 8 s
             r~  \ \
                 .            I I  .  ~
          4-0-                      j-- 4u
          J:O-                       .30
           20-   ~1                  z_o
          i o-                 5     1 0
           0 -                 6    -0
          . 1<) _              4    -"h)
           2o-   "1                 _)D
          .:x,_   Dry thermometer   ~ Jo
             'I  @ ~@)  ri
            ~  ~   frost  e>   danger ~· ... _:
                           of  frost ~".;  ·:"  1
       The wet thermometer warns when frost is likely to   Only  frequent  rain-gauge  readings  wiU  give  an
       occur,  so  that  your  more  delicate  plants  can  be   accurate measurement of dryness and indicate how
       protected in  the  appropriate way  beforehand.   much water your plants  need.
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