Page 75 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 75
A tree developing in its natural sur- packaging to 'soften' the water by reduc-
roundings needs a considerable amount ing the pH.
of water, which it obtains by developing Tap water should only be used if
deep roots which stretch far into the relatively free from chemicals used in the
ground. A bonsai has similar require- purification process. The main danger is
ments in proportion to its size. ln other from chlorine, which is highly toxic to
words, most bonsai need frequent and plants. If there is no alternative, keep the
copious watering, particularly in sum- water outside in the open for several
mer. The fact that most bonsai are kept days, in which time much of the chlorine
outside and exposed to the rain does not should evaporate. Whatever water you
mean that one can dispense with use - particularly if it is well water -
watering since the moisture held by the make sure it is not too cold or it could
root ball is always inadequate. give the plant a shock. It is a good idea to
fill your watering can several hours
before use, so the water can warm to the
Water temperature of its surroundings.
Like other trees, bonsai need fresh water,
free from toxic physical or chemical
elements. Of course, the best water is How to water
rainwater, even though it may be pol- Always water bonsai with a fine rose so
luted in towns. The ideal solution would you do not damage the delicate leaves or
be to collect rainwater in a water butt, wash away the surface compost. If you
but this is not always practical. only have a few plants a watering can
Well water is also suitable, provided it with a fine rose will do. lf you have a
is not hard (i.c. limy), in which case water collection of some size, watering may
softening equipment should be used. become a major chore and you will need
Alternatively -water soften ing tablets sprinklers, operated mechanically by a
which arc offered for sale can be added tap or automatically by an electronically
according to the instructions on the controlled valve.
The traditional watering can, with long neck and Leaves, sown seeds and young plants are best
rose remains basic equipment for watering bonsai. sprayed with a mister. The apparatus is worked hy
This one is designed for use in a greenhouse. pressure or a pump.