Page 76 - Tài liệu Ebook cây cảnh Bonsai Basics
P. 76


         I.  This  multiple  planting  has  reached  a  critical   2.  Abundant watering is caUed for. As soon as the
           stage  of dehydration.                 soil has absorbed the moisture, water again.

           As  well  as  a  watering  can,  you  will   Too much water can also be detrimen-
         need  a  sprayer,  preferably  a  pressure   tal to the tree.  For outdoor bonsai the
         sprayer, for misting over the leaves dur-  heavy autumn and spring rains can be
         ing warm weather. However, a sprinkler   just as damaging as the hot summer sun.
         device will do this for you automatically.   To stop the soil  becoming waterlogged,
           It  is  impossible  to  say  exactly  how   we recommend placing a sloping shelter,
         often  bonsai  should  be  watered,  since   such as a sheet of clear plastic or poly-
         each species has different requirements   thene, over the trees, or angling the trays
         and  climatic conditions may also  vary.   slightly, so that excess water runs away
         As a general rule of thumb, water often   on its own.
         and  sparingly,  rather than  occasionally   If he tray is left on a slant, watch that
         and generously. The compost should be   this does not result in  the tree growing
         moist  but  not  waterlogged. Any  reten-  out of shape.  Apart from  water-loving
         tion of water may set up  root rot.    trees such as wisteria and willow, do not
           It is  important to realize that bonsai   stand the container in a tray or saucer, as
         require most water when growing most   this could stop water draining away and
         vigorously and in hot weather, and that   cause root  rot.
         less water is required in the weeks follow-  Watering indoor  bonsai  poses  fewer
         ing root pruning, and clipping of shoots   problems,  since  the  indoor climate  re-
         and  leaves. This is  because the reduced   mains more or less stable. Water them at
         root system draws in less water and less is   least once or twice a week, depending on
         evaporated from  the leaves.           the size of the pot (the smaller it is,  the
           In  general  terms,  trees  should  be   more often you will  have to water it).
         watered  about  once  a  week  in  winter,   The leaves should be misted over with
         although this will depend on the overall   water frequently as the atmosphere can
         humidity,  and  several  times  a  day  in   be  very  dry  indoors.  Central  heating
         midsummer. If the root ball dries  right   aggravates the problem still further, and
         out,  the  tray  should  immediately  be   you will  find  it necessary to spray even
         immersed in a basin of water. If you have   more  frequently,  especially  in  spring,
         to do this,  be careful that the tree does   when  the  growing  season  starts  and
         not become uprooted. You should also   often  the heating is still  on.
         damp  over  the  foliage.  It is  especially   A practical precaution which is almost
         important to look at the tree on a  daily   a  necessity,  is  to  place  humidifiers  on
         basis as the spring - and  hence warmer   your radiators. This will prevent the air
         weather - approaches.                  becoming  too dry.
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