Page 183 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 183
Chapter 24 Species Guides
Buxus/Boxwood Bonsai
Buxus is a genus of about 70 species of evergreen shrubs and occasionally
small trees found in habitats ranging from rocky hills to woodland in Europe,
Asia, Africa and Central America. The leaves of many Buxus species are very
small which is an ideal attribute for bonsai. In Spring, Buxus display a show of
male flowers with conspicuous yellow anthers that surround single female
The two Buxus species that are commonly seen as Bonsai are Buxus
microphylla/Japanese Box and Buxus sempervirens/Common Box. Outwardly
both of these species are very similar, carrying elliptic, glossy, dark-green leaves
to 2-3cm long. The main difference between B. sempervirens and B. microphylla
is their vigour; B. sempervirens can reach eventual heights of 5 metres with a
spread of 5metres, B. microphylla on the other hand is very slow growing, only
reaching an overall height of around 75cm with a 1.5 metre spread.
There are a large number of varieties of both species available at nurseries
though variegated varieties should be used with care as they are less suitable
Bonsai Cultivation Notes
Position Sun or light shade. Excessive sunlight can result in sun-scorched leaves.
Both species are hardy to -4°C but frosts and cold winds can discolour top
growth. Give additional protection to trees when temperatures drop below -5°C
Box is regarded by some as suitable for indoor cultivation during the Winter and
should be placed in an unheated room with good light. Ensure good air-
circulation around the tree to avoid fungal diseases.
Feeding Every two weeks throughout the growing season.
Repotting Every 2 to 3 years in Spring as new leaf buds start to extend. Use a
basic soil mix. Trees that are rootbound will grow very slowly indeed but with
repotting will regain vigour.
Pruning New growth needs to be continually trimmed to shape throughout the
growing season. The natural habit of Buxus species is very angular and stiff,
Buxus bonsai should be pruned and styled in a way that softens their form.
Buxus are a broad-leaved species that suit deadwood styles and small amounts of