Page 185 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 185
The following is a list of commonly used species; there are also large numbers of
varieties of these species available and the suitability of these should be
determined primarily by leaf size.
Ficus salicifolia/Narrow Leaf or Willow Leaf Fig
Small, narrow leaves that produce excellent branch ramification. Is capable of
producing good basal rootage and excellent aerial root formation in humid
conditions. Has a habit of dropping leaves if stressed so should be kept in ideal
growing conditions.
Ficus benjamina/Weeping Fig
Oval, thinly leathery leaves, easily available but less desirable as indoor bonsai.
Has a habit of not taking severe reduction; reductions to the trunk and the
branches should be made gradually. Also defoliates easily when stressed.
Branches will quickly dieback if no foliage is left on them after pruning or
defoliation. Always leave a strong bud or leaf at the very end of the branch to
encourage sap-flow.
Ficus retusa var. microphylla/Chinese Banyan
Bears oval, glossy, dark-green leaves upto 10cm long though these reduce with
ease. The Chinese Banyan is the probably the classic fig for bonsai especially
favoured for its ability to regenerate from very hard pruning, its vigour and
willing to cope under poor growing conditions.
Ficus macrophylla/Morton Bay Fig
Bears glossy, dark-green leaves and small red/orange flowers. Readily produces
aerial roots given high humidity levels. Rarely drops leaves and can withstand
hard pruning.
Ficus rubiginosa/ Port Jackson Fig
Glossy, dark-green oval leaves, again vigorous growing fig, readily producing
aerial roots given the right conditions and reduces well.
Ficus retusa 'Green Island'/Green Island Fig
Variety of Ficus retusa that is often seen for sale, similar to previous species but
is less tolerant to low light levels and poor humidity which can lead to the loss of
inner leaves.
Also worth trying are Ficus burt-davyi, F.regiosa, F.deltoidea, F.aurea/ Strangler
Fig, F.petiolaris, F.palmeri, F.traiangularis, F.benghalensis, F.buxifolia/ Box leaf
fig, F.carica/ Common fig, F.natalensis/ Natal fig, F.pumila/Creeping Fig.
Bonsai Cultivation Notes
Position Though tolerant of poor light levels and dry air, try to find as bright a
position as possible indoors on a sunny windowsill (Ficus will tolerate full sun),
Ficus should be kept in position where temperatures do not fall below 15°C. Figs
will not die from lower temperatures but continual exposure to temperatures