Page 75 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 75
Chapter 12 A Photo-guide to Repotting
The following series of pictures illustrates the practise of root pruning and
repotting bonsai. The tree in this series is a Fuchsia magellanica, a very fast
growing tree that requires annual rootpruning.
Before Removing The Bonsai From Its Current Pot
Before the process of repotting begins, it is always worth preparing the
materials that will be needed, as time spent looking for materials during the
course of repotting prolongs the amount of time the roots are exposed to the air.
Ensure that the following materials are to hand; sufficient good quality
bonsai soil, tools, drainage mesh and wire. If a new pot is to be used for the
repotting, prepare the pot.
Preparing The Pot
If a new pot is to be used, this procedure can be carried out before the tree is
lifted from its old pot. If the old pot is to be retained, it will need to be
thoroughly cleaned with water and prepared after the tree has been removed.
These three images show how the pot should be prepared for the tree. Plastic
mesh is used to cover the drainage holes of the pot. The mesh stops the soil
medium from falling through the drainage holes over the course of the following
year(s). 'Butterflies' are shaped from bonsai wire to hold the plastic mesh in
Lengths of wire or string are then threaded through the drainage holes in a
loop (not shown in this picture) to be used for anchoring the tree into position so
that it cannot become dislodged within the pot. Bonsai that are not firmly
anchored into their bonsai pot have a habit of being blown out of it in strong