Page 97 - Tài liệu cây cảnh Bonsai4me Bonsai Basics
P. 97
This example of bare-rooting concerns a far larger tree, right at the beginning
of its development into a bonsai. The massive Privet/Ligustrum ovalifolium had
been dug up from the ground in August 2009. Belonging to a friend of mine, the
tree took two men two days to collect and was immediately planted into a
makeshift wooden container measuring over a metre in length.
Estimated as having an age of at least 70-80 years, the Privet had a known
history as having been planted many years previously as part of a boundary
hedge in the owner's garden.
The image above shows the tree when I first saw it in person; as is typical of
Privet growing in hedges, it comprised of several trunks that had grown together
as they reached a height of over 2 metres in height.
As the tree had been recently collected, I knew that it was important that any
superfluous top growth was removed as soon as possible.