Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai BCI Q12011
P. 5
Joe Grande: [email protected]
Box 85, Group 20, RR2 inside
Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
bcI wEbmasTER
Jim Brant: [email protected]
magazInE aDvERTIsIng
Helen Su, Asia: [email protected]
Chiara Padrini, Europe: [email protected]
Dick Anderson, USA & Other: mkarka1958@ Q1 volumE 50 numbEr 1
January/fEbruary/marCh 2011
Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain
Willi Benz, Germany
Lew Buller, USA
Thomas S. Elias, USA on our CovEr
Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan
I-Chi Su, Taiwan BCI President, Rob Kempinski, photographed this tree on the BCI tour of China. It was the
Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia second-place bonsai in the Guangzhou exhibit. It’s a slow growing Orange Jasmine (Mur-
Alan Walker, USA raya paniculata) so one can imagine the actual age of the tree. The inset stone photo, also by
Robert, is a million-dollar carved jade stone for sale at the viewing stone museum in Beijing.
“BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and
BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine are tours, Exhibits and ConvEntions
trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc.,
© 2011 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial 04 memories of china and 2010 bcI convention in Tianjin by Robert Kempinski
materials contained in this publication do not with comments from Ian Glew and Willem Pretorius
necessarily reflect the views of BONSAI &
Stone Appreciation Magazine, its publishers, 14 bonsai in america; 2010 Us national Exhibition; photos by Bill Valavanis
editors or the Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs 18 6th liuzhou International fantastic stone festival by Tom Elias
International. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system 24 v bonsai competition, madrid, spain by Luis Vallejo Bonsai Studio
or transmitted in any form, or by any means 30 bonsai in the blue grass: Program and Instructors’ Profiles
— electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise — without permission 37 bonsai in the blue grass: Instructor Spotlight—Min Hsuan Lo
in writing from the Editor. 38 Japan Tour: asia Pacific convention (asPac) in Takamatsu and
BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN
1068-6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly the annual Taikan-ten exhibition in Kyoto
by Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at 900 Nelson
Drive, Melbourne, FL 32940, USA, & is sent to its fEaturE artiClEs
members. Annual membership dues include a 42 The suseok by Chiara Padrini
1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back issues are
available at the current cover price from our busi- 52 suiseki in vietnam by Chiara Padrini
ness office. Periodical postage is paid at Melbourne,
FL, USA, and additional mailing offices. This issue 58 bark in bonsai by Giacomo Pappalardo
is printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: send address chang-
es to BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine, P.O. ProCEss
Box 411893, Melbourne, FL 32941-1893. 46 bucida spinosa: bonsai gold from the caribbean
advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines:
For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver- by Enrique Castaño de la Serna
tising representatives:
USA: [email protected] Programs
Asia: [email protected] 51 bonsai friendship Exchange
Europe: [email protected]
The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma-
terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring awards and ComPEtitions
extensive editing will be returned to the author with 17 bcI award of Excellence
suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts,
drawings & photographs, with clear identification 55 certre winners 2010
for captions, should be provided electronically, on
disk, or via email or internet. book rEviEw
Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi reso-
lution for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum. Otherwise 63 Chrysanthemum Stones by Thomas Elias and Hiromi nakaoji
photographic negatives, slides and prints may
accompany articles.
Authors are requested not to submit articles 64 calendar of Events compiled by Alan Walker
simultaneously to another publication.
Issue Month Closing Date
Q1 J/F/M November 1 Errata: We offer our sincere apologies to Danilo Scursatone for misspelling his
Q2 A/M/J February 1
Q3 J/A/S May 1 name on page 16 of the October/November/December issue. — Ed.
Q4 O/N/D August 1
January/February/March 2011 | 3