Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q1
P. 3

President’s Message

             his is an exciting time to be actively involved in the
             world of bonsai and stone appreciation communities
        Tworldwide. Memberships and activities in bonsai so-
        cieties in many countries declined during 2008-2009 wide
        spread economic crises. However, since that time, many so-
        cieties have been experiencing steady growth and improv-
        ing regional, national, and international meetings. During
        the last few months, I attended the 2013 Golden State Bonsai
        Federation (GSBF) convention in Burbank, California in late
        September, and then, a few weeks later, participated in the   If you haven’t attended one of the major international
        Taikan-ten in Kyoto, Japan in late November, 2013. Both were
        excellent and provided ample opportunities to see outstand- conventions before, you are missing out on a
        ing trees and stones.                             wonderful experience. Consider attending BCI’s next
        The GSBF is a state wide organization of California bonsai   annual meeting that will be held in Australia’s Gold
        clubs that has one of the largest number of bonsai hobbyists in
        North America. Their convention had exhibits of outstanding  Coast from August 21–24, 2014.
        bonsai, stones, workshops, lectures, and demonstrations by
        some of the leading younger bonsai artists in North America.   the opportunity to learn how to make a bonsai pendant using
        Judging from the quality of the programs and the enthusiasm   the wax carving and casting techniques from the skilled jew-
        of the attendees, it is easy to see why California has so many   elry artist Frank Mihalic. Immediately after the convention,
        great bonsai artists and serious stone collectors. GSBF pub-  a fabulous post-convention tour provides the opportunity
        lishes a bimonthly magazine for its members and, beginning   to see some of the best known natural features of Australia.
        in 2014, this large format publication will convert to a full   Visit our website at to
        color publication from its long standing black and white pho-  learn more about this exciting event and to register for the
        tographs. What I found so refreshing about this convention   convention.
        was the level of enthusiasm of everyone plus the increased cul-  Thanks to each of our members of the BCI community for
        tural diversity of the professional artists and hobbyists. Bonsai  helping us move forward during the past year. I hope that you
        is certainly crossing cultural and ethnic lines as it reaches a  have noticed the improvements to our magazine, web site,
        broader range of people today.                    and convention. This has resulted from the efforts of many
        On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the 33rd Taikan-ten,   of our board members, editor, business manager, and with
        the largest exhibit of bonsai in western Japan, is one of my   input from many of our members. Also, we have added over
        favorite venues. It is held in the spacious Miyako Messe or   240 new members last year and have considerably improved
        Kyoto International Exhibition Hall, a large city facility for   the financial health of BCI. This will allow us to implement
        conventions and meetings. Each year, excellent prized stones   further improvements this year. We want to provide you, our
        from private collections are displayed along with a diversity   members, with the information and services that you need.
        of different types of bonsai. A large and bustling sales area is   Balancing the production of a hard copy magazine with elec-
        adjacent to the exhibits. The atmosphere is a little less formal   tronic information on our web site is one way to serve our
        than the Kokufu-ten exhibit in Tokyo in February. It is a great   diverse membership.
        time to see and talk with friends, many of the great artists, and  We published a new book, Best of BCI, 50 Stones, 50 Trees, 50
        leaders of the bonsai and stone organizations. The Taikan-ten  Years, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our organization.
        is organized by the Nippon Bonsai Association. This associa-  This volume featured outstanding trees and stones from our
        tion is under the new leadership of Mr. Jiro Fukuda, who was  members throughout the world. We have now sold over 85%
        elected as Chairperson in May, 2013. An interview with Mr.  of the entire printing in less than nine months. This far ex-
        Fukuda will be published in the Q2 issue of Bonsai and Stone  ceeded our expectations and this book may be out of print by
        Appreciation magazine.                            the time of our 2014 convention in Australia. If you haven’t
        If you haven’t attended one of the major international conven-  ordered your copy, do so soon or you may find that it is no
        tions before, you are missing out on a wonderful experience.   longer available.
        Consider attending BCI’s next annual meeting that will be
        held in Australia’s Gold Coast from August 21–24, 2014. A
        great team of international bonsai artists will be conducting   Tom Elias, President
        demonstrations including Zhao Qingquan from China, Shin-  Bonsai Clubs International
        ichi Nakajima from Japan, Budi Sulistyo from Indonesia, and
        Nikunj and Jyoti Parekh from India. In addition, a team of
        Australian bonsai artists will perform. Participants will have
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