Page 5 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q1
P. 5
Joe Grande: [email protected] promoting
Box 85, Group 20, RR2 international friendship Bonsai
through bonsai
Ste. Anne, MB Canada R5H 1R2
Helen Su, Asia: [email protected] & Stone
Dick Anderson, USA & Other:
[email protected]
Massimo Bandera, Italy & Spain
Thomas S. Elias, USA VOLUME 53 NUMBER 1
Danilo Scursatone, Italy
Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
Alan Walker, USA inside Q1
Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada
Kath Hughes, UK
“BCI,” “Bonsai Clubs International” and
BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine are 2014
trademarks of Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., TOURS, EXHIBITS AND CONVENTIONS
© 2013 BCI (All Rights Reserved). Editorial ma- 25 BCI Tour Australia 2014 Post-convention Tour
terials contained in this publication do not nec-
essarily reflect the views of BONSAI & Stone Ap- 42 National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia
preciation Magazine, its publishers, editors or the By Leigh Taafe, Australia
Executive Board of Bonsai Clubs International. 46 Taikan-ten Impressions of The Grandview Bonsai Exhibition, Kyoto, Japan
No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any By Owen Reich, USA
form, or by any means—electronic, mechanical, PEOPLE & COLLECTIONS
photocopying, recording or otherwise—without
permission in writing from the Editor. 4 The 50-Year Journey of an American Bonsai Pioneer;
BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Magazine (ISSN Bill Valavanis’ love affair with bonsai
1068-6193 USPS 901-680) is published quarterly By Marc Arpag, USA
by Bonsai Clubs International, Inc., at 26003 Lake 12 Bonsai Artistry and a Passion for Stones in the Garden State;
Road, Bay Village, OH 44140, USA, & is sent to its An Interview with Martin Schmalenberg
members. Annual membership dues include a
1-year subscription to the Magazine. Back issues are By Joe Grande, Canada
available at the current cover price from our busi- 20 New Bonsai Museum of Baosheng Garden
ness office. Periodical postage is paid at Cleveland, By Tom Elias, USA
OH, the USA, and additional mailing offices. This
issue is printed in U.S.A. Postmaster: send address 35 In Memory of Mary Holmes Bloomer
changes to BONSAI & Stone Appreciation Maga- By Donna Banting, USA
zine, P.O. Box 40463, Bay Village, OH 44140-9998 .
Advertising, Editorial Policy and Deadlines: 32 Black Pine; Strength and Beauty
For advertising space or rates, please e-mail adver- By Danilo Scursatone, Italy
tising representatives listed above.
The Magazine reserves the right to edit all ma- PROCESS
terials accepted for publication. Articles requiring 28 Good, better, best! Refining a Coastal Banksia.
extensive editing will be returned to the author with By Grant Bowie, Australia
suggestions from the editorial staff. Manuscripts, 36 The Renaissance of an Old Pine; When a Shakan Became a Han Kengai
drawings & photographs, with clear identification
for captions, should be provided electronically, on By Mauro Stemberger, Italy
disk, or via email or internet. BOOK REVIEW
The information and views set out in this publica-
tion are those of the author(s) and do not necessar- 59 Keshiki Bonsai: The Easy Modern Way to Create Miniature Landscapes
ily reflect the official opinion of BCI. Neither BCI By Michael Collins-McIntyre, Canada
nor any person acting on its behalf may be held NEWS
responsible for the use which may be made of the
information contained therein. 61 Bonsai and Stone News; Bonsai Exhibition by Bonsai Study Group of The Indo-Japanese
Digital images must be provided at 300 dpi resolu- Association; BCI Award of Excellence at the Toronto Bonsai Society’s fall Bonsai Show at
tion for an 8 x 5 inch size minimum. the Toronto Botanical Gardens; Chicago Horticultural Society Seeking Curator
Authors are requested not to submit articles ON OUR COVER:
simultaneously to another publication.
Koto Hime Japanese maple, Acer palmatum ‘Koto Hime,’ grown and trained by William N. Valavanis. This is
PUBLISHING SCHEDULE the original Koto Hime Japanese maple introduced to the American bonsai world where he has taken many
Issue Month Closing Date thousands of cuttings. It was grown in a three-gallon training pot and reached three feet in height with
three main trunks. After the tree was “retired” from a propagation stock plant it was air layered and eventu-
Q1 J/F/M November 1 ally trained as a multiple trunk style bonsai. The top of the tree which was air layered in June 1986 is featured
Q2 A/M/J February 1
Q3 J/A/S May 1 on page 8.
Q4 O/N/D August 1
January/February/March 2014 | BCI | 3