Page 8 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2014Q1
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belongs to Bill in the literal, figurative and legal sense,
                                                                          he truly lives it and owns it!
                                                                          International Bonsai has been the most anticipated
                                                                          magazine to be received 4 times per year for over 35
                                                                          years by Bonsai lovers in 50 countries around the
                                                                          world. Each magazine is a treasure trove of photos,
                                                                          educational ideas and special features. They are a re-
                                                                          source that one never tires of and are referred to many
                                                                          times over the years. Looking back it is interesting
                                                                          to see how they continue to improve just when you
                                                                          think they can’t get any better! Behind the scenes,
                                                                          there is a tremendous effort, including many “up all
                                                                          night” sessions, to produce this superb publication.
                                                                          Bills passion and affection for bonsai has sprouted
                                                                          in many directions. As an artist, he has won many
                                                                          awards but even more importantly, he has created
                                                                          bonsai of unparalleled beauty and refinement. His
                                                                          new book, Classical Bonsai Art: 50 years of Bonsai
                                                                          Passion, illustrates the development and exquisite
                                                                          refinement of a selection of 100 masterpiece bonsai.
                                                                          Always true to his mission of bonsai education, Bill
                                                                          shares the details of his thoughts, techniques, history
                                                                          and development for each tree. During a recent sem-
                                                                          inar at the International Bonsai Arboretum, Yasuo
                                                                          Mitsuya said that he has noticed an emphasis on new
                                                                          techniques that are focused on doing things faster. He
                                                                          lamented that the focus was not on doing things bet-
                                                                          ter, just faster. Bill’s focus is on achieving excellence
                                                                          and provides a welcome alternative to quick and easy
                                                                          techniques offered on the Internet. Online it is easy to
                                                                          be fooled about the quality of trees. The opportunity
                                                                          to view a Valavanis tree in leaf and with bare branch’s
                                                                          clearly confirms that his methods and affection for
                                                                          his bonsai create the excellence he seeks.
                                                                          As an author, contributor and publisher, his work has
                                                                          expanded, diversified and refined over the year. These
                                                                          works serve to further illustrate both a dedication to
                                                                          excellence and a tireless desire to improve.
                                                                          Bill has the most extensive personal library of bonsai
        Top; Mr. & Mrs. Kyuzo Murata                                      books, magazines, journals and photographs likely
        with their daughter in law at                                     in the world. In his library is every issue of  BCI
        Kyuka-en Bonsai Garden in
        Omiya, Japan, are comment-                                        Bonsai & Stone Appreciation, Bonsai: Journal of the
        ing on photos of Bill’s bonsai in                                 American Bonsai Society, and International Bonsai as
        June 1985.                                                        well as many Japanese and European periodicals. On
        Middle; Yuji Yoshimura and Bill                                   his shelves are almost every Kokufu-ten exhibition
        Valavanis worked together to                                      albums and many, many, rare old Japanese books
        give many educational pro-                                        and other exhibition albums. He has dedicated an
        grams. During this program,
        guidelines for evaluating clas-                                   entire room and half of another with floor to ceiling
        sical bonsai were presented                                       shelves that serves as an ever-expanding resource.
        at an International Bonsai                                        In his archives are over 70,000 images and he draws
        Symposium in the early 1990s.                                     from both for his many educational programs,
        Bottom; Corin Tomlinson                                           presentations and articles. Several years ago Bill’s
        formally apprenticed with                                         house was destroyed in a fire. His mother was the
        Bill Valavanis for several years
        at the International Bonsai                                       only one home at the time and was safely evacuated
        Arboretum in Rochester, New                                       by a neighbor. When Bill arrived home, the fire
        York, as part of his horticultural                                was raging and flames were shooting out. Once he
        degree program at Merrist                                         learned his family was safe, he thought of his beloved
        Wood College in England.
                                                                          books and raced into the burning house to rescue

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