Page 3 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q2
P. 3 President’s Message
Bonsai Tools
to Shape I ctors and staff of BCI. These are men and women
want to begin my message to you by expressing my
sincere thanks to the members of the board of di-
the Dream from ten countries in different regions of the world
who are responsible for leading our organization. Co-
ordinating and sharing information about bonsai and
stone appreciation internationally is not an easy task;
however, BCI is now in its fifty-second year of success-
fully promoting first bonsai, then viewing stones, to a Immediately following the BCI 2015 convention, an exciting
wide range of people in many countries. Our board is eight-day tour to Inner Mongolia and Ningxia in northern
photo courtesy responsible for the publication of this magazine, the
William Valavanis China is available. Participants will see some wonderful
As your experience with Bonsai grows, so does your BCI web site, staging a yearly convention and, begin-
need for higher quality tools. Joshua Roth offers ning next year, the launching of regional BCI conven- ancient sites while visiting the major stone markets in
tions. Board members also serve as demonstrators and
tools for every level of interest, all made of superior lecturers in many countries and frequently serve as Yinchuan and Alashan. These two stone markets are the
materials and offered at competitive prices. consultants to clubs. Most often, the contributions of gateway for most of the fabulous Gobi Desert stones
flowing into China and the rest of the world. See page 44
the board on behalf of BCI is seldom recognized. The
You now have more options. NEW! board of director’s donation of time, skill, knowledge, for details.
and money is vital to the health and well-being of BCI.
Every one of our officers and members of the board
Our original master brand, Joshua Roth, manufactured in serves in a voluntary capacity and does not receive days of the convention participants will have the op-
Japan, features four grades of tools, from novice to master. any pay for their services. Nor do they receive any tion to join a two-day regional tour to see some of
For more than 35 years, Bonsai enthusiasts have trusted funds from BCI for their travels to conventions and the best Lingnan style bonsai in the world. Or, they
Joshua Roth tools to bring life to their Bonsai vision. meetings held in various countries. This policy has can choose a stone-related two-day tour that will take
We have added a new brand, Ryuga, which features top been in place for the last two and one-half years and them to Yingde, the source of the famous Ying stones
in classical and modern stone appreciation. Immedi-
quality Bonsai tools manufactured in China to quality- will continue to be followed in the foreseeable future. ately following the convention, an exciting eight-day
controlled Japanese standards, both in Carbon Steel and Some of our board members are invited by clubs and tour to Inner Mongolia and Ningxia in northern Chi-
Stainless Steel. We are the distributor of Ryuga in the USA, societies to perform demonstrations or give lectures na is available. Participants will see some wonderful
and critiques and they may receive full or partial travel
Australia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil, reimbursement and honoraria for their work from the ancient sites while visiting the major stone markets
Argentina, and Switzerland. These exceptional tools carry a inviting organizations. in Yinchuan and Alashan. These two stone markets
two-year quality guarantee which provides free replacement BCI has two part-time contractors working on our are the gateway for most of the fabulous Gobi Desert
for any quality claim on all Ryuga products. behalf—our magazine and website editor, Joe Grande stones flowing into China and the rest of the world.
Participation in this stone tour is limited so get your
Order our original Joshua Roth or new Ryuga tools and and our Business Manager, Carole Roske. Both of reservation in early.
products today! these two dedicated individuals contribute far more I realize that some of our members have experi-
to BCI than the nominal payments they receive from
us. They and the board are responsible for the services enced some difficulties in using our online member-
For more information provided to you. If you are happy with the services you ship registration process on our website. We have been
are receiving, please let them know. working to make it easier for everyone to use. Our
visit or Plans for our 2015 convention are all in place and new web site is now 90% complete and, I hope, we
e-mail [email protected] registrations are being received. Our convention will can launch this completely revised site by mid-year.
In addition, the BCI Facebook page has been expe-
Call 1-800-624-4635 today for a free catalog and be held in the exciting international trade center city riencing phenomenal growth in the last six months
of Guangzhou in southern China. The former Canton
the name of a dealer near you. is a wonderful city to visit with sites and activities for and I want to thank Rosemarie Volker for assuming
Outside the US, phone 1-541-791-5312. Most Ryuga tools come with a handy all members of a family, not just for bonsai and stone primary responsibility for regular postings on our
Fax: 1-541-791-5337 zippered pouch. enthusiasts. The first two days of the convention will Facebook page. The new web site combined with the
be devoted to demonstrations, lectures, and exhibits. use of different social media will help bring BCI and
This is a great opportunity to meet and talk with many information about bonsai and stones to a much great-
Joshua Roth — where outstanding artists. An extensive vendor area will be er audience than ever before.
artistic vision gains precision conveniently located next to the large exhibition of Tom Elias, President
outstanding trees displayed in front of the historic
Providing Superior Quality Tools Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall. On the third and fourth Bonsai Clubs International
to the Bonsai Community for More Than 35 Years
April/May/June 2015 | BCI | 1