Page 4 - Tạp chí bonsai cây cảnh BCI 2015Q2
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Any donation you can make, will help.
Remember BCI in your will, your trust, your future!
For more information contact:
Thomas S. Elias; [email protected]
hile attending a bonsai exhibit recently in Victoria on Vancouver BONSAI CLUBS INTERNATIONAL
Island, I was reminded that bonsai is thriving in areas relatively Bonsai Clubs International, a not-for-profit educational
Wnew to this art form—if we agree that 25 to 50 years is a very short organization, advances the ancient and living art of bonsai
period in the bonsai continuum. Not-for-profit organizations like BCI have and related arts through the global sharing of knowledge. We
played an important role in introducing and promoting the art forms of educate while promoting international friendship and solidify
bonsai and viewing stones to many. world relationships through cooperation with individuals and
My local bonsai club, Bonsai Winnipeg, is an example of how BCI helped organizations whose purpose is consistent with ours.
us overcome our geographic isolation and facilitate our bonsai and viewing
stone education. Since 1980 we have depended on BCI to connect us to the OFFICERS DIRECTORS
greater bonsai community. Before the Internet, BCI was a source of activities Thomas S. Elias, President Massimo Bandera, Italy
[email protected]
California, USA
for monthly club meetings; a lending library of books and video tapes; and [email protected]
Introduction to Bonsai, a course syllabus, by Thomas L. Zane that included Glenis Bebb, 1st Vice President Gudrun Benz, Germany
[email protected]
manuals for instructors and students. This material guided moderately Queensland, Australia
experienced bonsai hobbyists in introducing the art form to beginners, [email protected] Vic Ceballos, Philippines
[email protected]
giving them enough knowledge and confidence to start them on their bonsai Nikunj Parekh, 2nd Vice President
journey. The highlight of our association with BCI was, and is, the magazine. Mumbai, India Kathy Coffman, Ohio, USA
[email protected]
While other magazines in the ’80s and ’90s focused on the Japanese aesthetic [email protected]
and presented the work of renowned Japanese masters, it was in the BCI Kath Hughes, Min Hsuan Lo, Taiwan
magazine where we saw bonsai evolve and spread as BCI profiled the work Secretary [email protected]
of its members practicing bonsai in different cultures around the world in West Midlands, UK Frank Mihalic, USA
unique climates and with local plant species. [email protected] [email protected]
Six delegates from our club attended the BCI Annual Conference hosted IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Ing Suan Ng, Malaysia
by the Toronto Bonsai Society in 1997, the first time anyone in our club Robert Kempinski, [email protected]
experience world-class bonsai and demonstrators such as Marc Noelanders, Florida, USA Budi Sulistyo, Indonesia
[email protected]
William Valavanis, John Naka, David DeGroot, Norman Haddrick and [email protected]
Chase Rosade, among many others. We learned to appreciate our native EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BCI BUSINESS OFFICE
Helen Su
species such as thuja occidentalis and larix laricina and to develop larger Taiwan, R.O.C. Carole Roske, Business Manager
size bonsai. It was our first exposure to penjing and the Chinese artist [email protected] PO Box 40463
Bay Village, OH 44140-9998 USA
Qingquan “Brook” Zhao, who had just released his book, Penjing: Worlds of BCI CLUB NEWSLETTER [email protected]
Wonderment, beautifully designed by Karin Albert. It was through BCI that Frank Mihalic, Editor, USA
our club discovered and engaged teachers like Arthur Skolnik, David Rowe, [email protected]
Jerry Meislik, Mary Madison, Chiara Padrini and Dan Robinson.
While some of these BCI programs have come and gone with the TO JOIN BCI OR RENEW
volunteers that created and administered them or have been made obsolete
by technology and the Internet, BCI continues to evolve and reflect the YOUR MEMBERSHIP
work of the current group of volunteers that govern BCI as they connect New members, go to and
and interact with bonsai and stone lovers around the world. Their collective click on “Join BCI Today” button. Renewing
knowledge and experiences enable them to transcend geographic diversity members, log in to your account and go to
and cultures to promote and present the best that bonsai and viewing stone Manage My Profile/Renew My Membership.
appreciation has to offer. This issue is a reflection of the progress that BCI has Join or Renew Online, by Phone,
made and the substantial work by volunteer directors and members to help by E-mail or by Mail. PO Box 40463,,
us all appreciate bonsai and viewing stones everywhere. [email protected], Bay Village, OH 44140-9998
—Joe Grande, Canada ([email protected]) phone 440-871-4797, USA.
2 | BCI | April/May/June 2015